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Issue on fetching IMDB info

Rapid account: Cos 71 N
7 anni fa

Hi Admin,

Just want to ask if there are any issues regarding fetching imdb_info. I’ve tested many times my current code and it always responds to ‘No API key provided.’ which I’ve provided every time I send the request. Below is the sample snippet of my request (using HTTParty) and the corresponding response:

request = HTTParty.get(“”, headers: {
“X-Mashape-Key” => “3gvKijGdw2mshQ4YHwUVpe2OHPHzp1G1QGXjsni1neYSHlCjmu”,
“Accept” => ‘application/json’
<HTTParty::Response:0x7f2b2fe899a8 parsed_response={“Response”=>“False”, “Error”=>“No API key provided.”}, @response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>, @headers={“access-control-allow-origin”=>["*"], “content-type”=>[“application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1”], “date”=>[“Sat, 08 Jul 2017 13:21:45 GMT”], “server”=>[“Mashape/5.0.6”], “x-ratelimit-requests-limit”=>[“1000”], “x-ratelimit-requests-remaining”=>[“805”], “content-length”=>[“53”], “connection”=>[“Close”]}>

I ask this because when I try a different t parameter, in this case I used loadvideo, I’m getting a good response. Below is the sample request and response :
request = HTTParty.get(“”, headers: {
“X-Mashape-Key” => “3gvKijGdw2mshQ4YHwUVpe2OHPHzp1G1QGXjsni1neYSHlCjmu”,
“Accept” => ‘application/json’
<HTTParty::Response:0x7f2b2fdd4170 parsed_response={“RESULT”=>{“nfinfo”=>{“image1”=>“”, “title”=>“Solace”, “synopsis”=>“Two FBI agents enlist the help of a clairvoyant doctor to help them track down a serial killer who’s targeting terminally ill patients.”, “matlevel”=>"", “matlabel”=>“violence and bloody images throughout, sexuality, nudity and language”, “avgrating”=>“0”, “type”=>“movie”, “updated”=>“2017-07-07 17:01:50”, “unogsdate”=>“2017-07-07 17:01:47”, “released”=>“2015”, “netflixid”=>“70295171”, “runtime”=>“1h41m”, “image2”=>“”, “download”=>“0”}, “imdbinfo”=>{“rating”=>“6.4”, “votes”=>“36667”, “metascore”=>“36”, “genre”=>“Crime, Drama, Mystery”, “awards”=>“1 win.”, “runtime”=>“101 min”, “plot”=>“A psychic doctor, John Clancy (Anthony Hopkins), works with an FBI special agent (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in search of serial killer Charles Ambrose (Colin Farrell).[5] After having lived in isolation for two years, since the death of his daughter, Clancy is asked by his friend Joe, an FBI special agent to help him solve several murders committed by a serial killer. The problem is that Ambrose is also psychic, and far ahead of Clancy.”, “country”=>“USA”, “language”=>“English”, “imdbid”=>“tt1291570”}, “mgname”=>[“Mysteries”, “Crime Thrillers”, “Thrillers”, “Psychological Thrillers”], “Genreid”=>[“9994”, “10499”, “8933”, “5505”], “people”=>[{“actor”=>[“Colin Farrell”, “Anthony Hopkins”, “Kenny Johnson”, “Jeffrey Dean Morgan”, “Jose Pablo Cantillo”, “Marley Shelton”, “Abbie Cornish”, “Matt Gerald”]}, {“creator”=>[“Sean Bailey”, “Ted Griffin”]}, {“director”=>[“Afonso Poyart”]}], “country”=>[{“country”=>“Canada “, “ccode”=>“ca”, “seasons”=>””, “new”=>“2017-07-07”, “expires”=>"", “seasondet”=>[""], “audio”=>[“English”], “subs”=>[“English”], “cid”=>“33”}]}}, @response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>, @headers={“access-control-allow-origin”=>["*"], “content-type”=>[“application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1”], “date”=>[“Sat, 08 Jul 2017 13:21:18 GMT”], “server”=>[“Mashape/5.0.6”], “x-ratelimit-requests-limit”=>[“1000”], “x-ratelimit-requests-remaining”=>[“806”], “content-length”=>[“1787”], “connection”=>[“Close”]}>

There is not much of a difference between the two calls except for the t parameter. Let me know if there are issues on our request.


Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 anni fa

Sorry I misunderstood your request, this is now fixed for the aaapi.cgi… regards

Rapid account: Cos 71 N
cos71n Commented 7 anni fa

Hi Admin,

Yes, I’ve tried that. That is included in my message. Does that mean the t=imdb parameter is not working anymore?


Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 anni fa

try this:


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