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분류별 botsfactory | 업데이트됨 2 months ago | Text Analysis

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Feature requests?

Rapid account: Vidanov P Tkl 1 Ski JB 3

We are constantly improving our product. If you have an idea about the improving the API, please post here.

Rapid account: Vidanov P Tkl 1 Ski JB 3
vidanov-PTkl1skiJB3 Commented 2 years ago

Hello elshorbagyhamada,

Thank you for the kind words and the feature request. We have the private plans based on the request count.
Let us discuss! I will send you a private message.

Best regards,

Botsfactory Support Team

Rapid account: Elshorbagyhamada
elshorbagyhamada Commented 2 years ago

Your API is great.
I’d like to subscribe to it, but there are some other cheaper APIs which offer similar services by request count with no characters limits.
I hope you all good luck. Thanks.

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