Free Whatsapp Sender

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How to send a Whatsapp message, calling endpoint "send"

You can easily send a message to any Whatsapp number using this endpoint. Follow steps bellow:

  1. Authenticate: Before sending a request to “send” endpoint, you have to call “qrcode” and scan it’s response by your WhatsApp application and also get the id and token from callback. Here you can read more about this.

  2. Call endpoint: After a successfull call to endpoint “qrcode” you are ready to use “send”. There are 4 parameters to be sent in the body of the request:

  • message: The text message to be sent
  • receiver: The WhatsApp number of the recipient of the message. Begining with country phone code without +, e.g. 1********* for a U.S. phone number.
  • id: The ID obtained from the callback to your webhook address in response to a successful call to endpoint “qrcode”
  • token: The token obtained from the callback to your webhook address in response to a successful call to endpoint “qrcode”