GeoDB Cities

부분 유료
분류별 Michael Mogley | 업데이트됨 15 дней назад | Data

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Welcome to GeoDB Cities

This service provides basic info about cities, counties, islands, regions, and countries throughout the world. It allows you to constrain and sort the data in various ways, retrieving just what’s relevant to your use-case.


  • Filter places by name prefix, countries, location, time-zone, and minimum population (currently over 700,000 towns, cities, counties, and islands).
  • Find places near a city or location.
  • Display results in multiple languages (currently English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish).
  • Sort results by name, country code, elevation, and population - or any combination of these.
  • Get place details, including GPS location, time-zone, population, elevation above sea level, and the current time (factors in daylight savings).
  • Get all country regions, states, and provinces.
  • Get all places in a given region.
  • Get all countries supporting a currency.
  • WikiData Integration
  • REST API adheres to industry best-practices, including HATEOAS-style links for paging results. (If you prefer GraphQL, check out the GeoDB Cities GraphQL API.)
  • Cloud-based load-balanced infrastructure.
  • Data periodically refreshed from GeoNames and WikiData.

Possible Use-Cases

  • Get user’s current place based on their GPS location.
  • Autocomplete a place, region, or country name as the user types. See the tutorial on how you might do so using Angular.
  • Autopopulate a list of regions based on the user’s selected country.
  • Autopopulate a list of cities based on the user’s selected country region.
  • Display the flag of the selected country.
  • Integrate with WikiData to implement exotic use-cases such as getting a city’s tourist attractions.


팔로워: 431
제품 웹사이트 이용 약관
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Michael Mogley
Michael Mogley
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 4.8 - 투표: 19