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request error 404

Rapid account: Nagujjamariam 300
il y a un an

i get the request error 404

Rapid account: Ytdlfree
ytdlfree Commented il y a un an

Please share the API response too

Rapid account: Onlyaddy 68
onlyaddy68 Commented il y a un an

i am also facing the same
import axios from “axios”;
const BASE_URL = ""
const options = {
method: ‘GET’,

params: {
    maxResults: '50'
headers: {
  'X-RapidAPI-Key': process.env.REACT_APP_RAPID_API_KEY,
  'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''

export const fetchFromAPI = async(url)=>{
const {data}= await axios.get(${BASE_URL}/${url},options);
return data

Rapid account: Ytdlfree
ytdlfree Commented il y a un an

Kindly share complete details like API request, parameter, response.

아래에 의견을 추가하고 토론에 참여하세요.

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