
분류별 Igor Zakutynsky | 업데이트됨 6 days ago | Business Software
Health Check



Box Package

Connect to the Box Cloud Storage API to manage, share, and upload files to the cloud. Test an API call in your browser and export the code snippet into your app.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Navigate to your Box Developer Console
  2. On the left hand side, select Configuration
  3. Use your OAuth 2.0 Credentials to call the getAccessToken function

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials


Returns access tokens. An access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session. In the normal order of operations you will begin by requesting authentication from the Box authorize endpoint and Box will send you an authorization code. You will then send the authorization code to the token endpoint in a request for an access token. You can then use the returned access token to make Box API calls.

Field Type Description
code String The authorization code returned by Box in response to a successfull authentication request.
clientId credentials The client ID of the application requesting authentication. To get the client ID for your application, log in to your Box developer console and click the Edit Application link for the application you’re working with. In the OAuth 2 Parameters section of the configuration page, find the item labeled
clientSecret credentials The client secret of the application requesting authentication. To get the client secret for your application, log in to your Box developer console and click the Edit Application link for the application you’re working with. In the OAuth 2 Parameters section of the configuration page, find the item labeled


Revoke endpoint, the endpoint that revokes access tokens, or to put it another way, the endpoint that ends sessions, logging users out.

Field Type Description
token String An access token or refresh token supplied by Box in response to a token request. When either token is supplied with this request, both will be revoked.
clientId credentials The client ID of the application requesting authentication. To get the client ID for your application, log in to your Box developer console and click the Edit Application link for the application you’re working with. In the OAuth 2 Parameters section of the configuration page, find the item labeled
clientSecret credentials The client secret of the application requesting authentication. To get the client secret for your application, log in to your Box developer console and click the Edit Application link for the application you’re working with. In the OAuth 2 Parameters section of the configuration page, find the item labeled


Get information about a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Retrieves the actual data of the file. An optional version parameter can be set to download a previous version of the file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
version String Optional file version ID to download (defaults to the current version)
range String The range value in bytes. Format should be bytes={start_range}-{end_range}
boxApi String Use the format shared_link=SHARED_LINK_URL or shared_link=SHARED_LINK_URL&shared_link_password=PASSWORD


Use the Upload API to allow users to add a new file. The user can then upload a file by specifying the destination folder for the file. If the user provides a file name that already exists in the destination folder, the user will receive an error.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
file File Uploaded file
parentId String The ID of the parent folder. Use 0 for the root folder.


Uploading a new file version is performed in the same way as uploading a file. This method is used to upload a new version of an existing file in a user’s account. Similar to regular file uploads, these are performed as multipart form uploads.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
file File Uploaded file
name String New file name


Verify that a file will be accepted by Box before you send all the bytes over the wire.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
name String File name
parentId String The ID of the parent folder. Use 0 for the root folder.
size Number The size of the file in bytes


Update the information about a file, including renaming or moving the file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
name String The new name for the file
description String The new description for the file
parentId String The ID of the parent folder. Use ‘0’ for the root folder.
sharedLinkAccess Select The level of access. Can be open (‘People with the link’), company (‘People in your company’), or collaborators (‘People in this folder’). If you omit this field then the access level will be set to the default access level specified by the enterprise admin.
sharedLinkPassword String The password required to access the shared link. Set to null to remove the password.
sharedLinkUnsharedAt String The date-time that this link will become disabled. This field can only be set by users with paid accounts.
sharedLinkPermissionsCanDownload String Whether the shared link allows downloads. Can only be set with access levels open and company (not collaborators).
tags String All tags attached to this file. To add/remove a tag to/from a file, you can first get the file’s current tags (be sure to specify ?fields=tags, since the tags field is not returned by default); then modify the list as required; and finally, set the file’s entire list of tags.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Move a file to the trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id


Copy a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
parentId String The ID of the destination folder
name String An optional new name for the file


Lock a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
lockExpiresAt DatePicker The time the lock expires
lockIsDownloadPrevented Boolean Whether or not the file can be downloaded while locked


Unlock a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id


Get a thumbnail image for a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
minHeight Number The minimum height of the thumbnail
minWidth Number The minimum width of the thumbnail
maxHeight Number The maximum height of the thumbnail
maxWidth Number The maximum width of the thumbnail


Get a URL for creating an embedded preview session.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id


Get all of the collaborations on a file (i.e. all of the users that have access to that file).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
marker String The position marker at which to begin the response
limit Number The maximum number of items to return


Get all of the comments on a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return


Get all of the tasks for a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 1,000 and the maximum is 1,000.


Get information on prior versions of a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return


Copy a previous file version and make it the current version of the file. This create a copy of the old file version and puts it on the top of the versions stack. The file will have the exact same contents, the same SHA-1/etag, and the same name as the original. Other properties such as comments do not get updated to their former values.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
id String The ID of the file version to make current
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Discards a file version to the trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File Id
id String The ID of the file version.


Get information about a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder Id. The root folder of a Box account is always represented by the ID 0.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Gets all of the files, folders, or web links contained within this folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Create a new folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
name String The desired name for the folder
parentId String The ID of the parent folder


Update a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder Id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
name String The desired name for the folder
description String The description of the folder
parentId String The ID of the parent folder
sharedLinkAccess Select The level of access. Can be open (‘People with the link’), company (‘People in your company’), or collaborators (‘People in this folder’). If you omit this field then the access level will be set to the default access level specified by the enterprise admin.
sharedLinkPassword String The password required to access the shared link. Set to null to remove the password.
sharedLinkUnsharedAt String The date-time that this link will become disabled. This field can only be set by users with paid accounts.
sharedLinkPermissionsCanDownload Boolean Whether the shared link allows downloads. For shared links on folders, this also applies to any items in the folder. Can only be set with access levels open and company (not collaborators)
ownedById String The ID of the user (should be your own user ID)
syncState String Whether Box Sync clients will sync this folder. Values of synced or not_synced can be sent, while partially_synced may also be returned.
tags String All tags attached to this folder. To add/remove a tag to/from a folder, you can first get the folder’s current tags (be sure to specify ?fields=tags, since the tags field is not returned by default); then modify the list as required; and finally, set the folder’s entire list of tags.


Move a folder to the trash. The recursive parameter must be included in order to delete folders that aren’t empty.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id
recursive Boolean Whether to delete this folder if it has items inside of it.


Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder. The original version of the folder will not be altered.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id
parentId String The ID of the destination folder
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
name String An optional new name for the folder


Use this to get a list of all the collaborations on a folder i.e. all of the users that have access to that folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Get the shared link for a file or folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String The ID of the file or folder
endpoint Select files or folders


Create the shared link for a file or folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String The ID of the file or folder
endpoint String files or folders
sharedLinkAccess Select The level of access. Can be open (‘People with the link’), company (‘People in your company’), or collaborators (‘People in this folder’). If you omit this field then the access level will be set to the default access level specified by the enterprise admin.
sharedLinkPassword String The password required to access the shared link. Set to null to remove the password.
sharedLinkUnsharedAt String The date-time that this link will become disabled. This field can only be set by users with paid accounts.
sharedLinkPermissionsCanDownload Boolean Whether the shared link allows downloads. For shared links on folders, this also applies to any items in the folder. Can only be set with access levels open and company (not collaborators).


Update the shared link for a file or folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String The ID of the file or folder
endpoint Select files or folders
sharedLinkAccess Select The level of access. Can be open (‘People with the link’), company (‘People in your company’), or collaborators (‘People in this folder’). If you omit this field then the access level will be set to the default access level specified by the enterprise admin.
sharedLinkPassword String The password required to access the shared link. Set to null to remove the password.
sharedLinkUnsharedAt String The date-time that this link will become disabled. This field can only be set by users with paid accounts.
sharedLinkPermissionsCanDownload Boolean Can be open or collaborators


Use this API to obtain the ID of a file or folder from a shared link URL. Pass the URL (and password, if needed) in the BoxApi header. Once you have the ID of the file or folder, you can call any API to access that file or folder a long as you also pass the BoxApi header to those APIs. The header must be passed in each API call since your account would not otherwise have permission to access the shared item. Passing the shared link URL validates that the item was shared with you (e.g. via email or any other channel).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
sharedLinkUrl String Url of shared link
sharedLinkPassword String Password of shared link


Gets the files, folders and web links that are in the user’s trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Get an item that has been moved to the trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String The ID of the file, folder or web link
endpoint Select files, folders or web_links
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response


Restores an item that has been moved to the trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String The ID of the file, folder or web link
endpoint Select files, folders or web_links
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
parentId String The ID of the new parent folder. Only used if the previous parent folder no longer exists or the user doesn’t have permission to restore the item there.
name String The new name for this item. Only used if the item can’t be restored with its previous name due to a conflict.


Permanently delete an item that is in the trash. The item will no longer exist in Box. This action cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String The ID of the file, folder or web link
endpoint Select files, folders or web_links


The search endpoint provides a powerful way to find Box content. Use the parameters described in this section to control what you search for.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
query String The string to search for. Box matches the search string against object names, descriptions, text contents of files, and other data.
scope String The scope on which you want search. Can be user_content for a search limited to the current user or enterprise_content to search an entire enterprise.
fileExtensions List Limit searches to specific file extensions like pdf,png, or doc. The value can be a single file extension or a comma-delimited list of extensions. For example: png,md,pdf
createdAtRange DatePicker The date when the item was created. Specify the date range using RFC3339 timestamps separated by a comma. For example: `2014-05-15T13:35:01-07:00,2014-05-17T13:35:01-07:00. Either the beginning date or the ending date may be empty, but the separating comma is required. For example, if you omit the beginning date, then the ending date must begin with a comma.
updatedAtRange DatePicker The date when the item was updated. Specify the date range using RFC3339 timestamps separated by a comma. For example: 2014-05-15T13:35:01-07:00,2014-05-17T13:35:01-07:00. Either the beginning date or the ending date may be empty, but the separating comma is required. For example, if you omit the beginning date, then the ending date must begin with a comma.
sizeRange String Return only files within a stated size range. Specify the range in bytes with lower and upper bounds separated by a comma, like so:lower_bound_size,upper_bound_size, where 1MB is 1,000,000 bytes. You can specify only the lower bound if you end this parameter with a comma. You can specify only the upper bound by placing a comma at the beginning of the number.
ownerUserIds List Search for objects by owner. Requires a user ID or a set of comma-delimited user IDs, like so: user_id_1,user_id_2
ancestorFolderIds List Search for the contents of specific folders (and folders within them). Requires a folder ID or a set of comma-delimited folder IDs, like so: folder_id_1,folder_id_2
contentTypes List Search for objects of specified content types. The types can be name, description, file_content, comments, or tags. Requires a content type or a set of comma-delimited content_types, like so: content_type_1,content_type_2
type String The type of objects you want to include in the search results. The type can be file, folder, or web_link
trashContent Select Controls whether to search in the trash. The value can be trashed_only or non_trashed_only. Searches without this parameter default to searching non_trashed_only
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Get information about a metadata template.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
scope String The scope of the object. Global and enterprise scopes are supported. The Global scope contains the properties template, while the enterprise scope pertains to custom template within the enterprise.
template String A unique identifier for the template. The identifier must be unique across the scope of the enterprise to which the metadata template is being applied. The character limit is 64 and is validated by this regex: ^[a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$


Create a new metadata template with the specified schema.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
scope String The scope of the object. Only the enterprise scope is supported.
templateKey String A unique identifier for the template. The identifier must be unique across the scope of the enterprise to which the metadata template is being applied to. Defaults to a string derived from the displayName if no value is provided.
displayName String The display name of the template.
hidden Boolean Whether this template is hidden in the UI. Defaults to false.
fieldType Select The data type of the field’s value. Templates support four attributes types: string, enum, float, and date (RFC 3339).
fieldKey String A unique identifier for the field. The identifier must be unique within the template to which it belongs. Defaults to a string derived from the displayName if no value is provided.
fieldDisplayName String The display name of the field


Used to retrieve all metadata templates within a user’s enterprise. Only the enterprise scope is supported.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
marker String The position marker at which to begin the response. See marker-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Used to retrieve all metadata associated with a given file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File id


Get the metadata instance for a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File id
scope String The scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.


Create a metadata instance for a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File id
scope String he scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.
keyName String Key name
keyValue String Value of key


Delete the template instance on a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File id
scope String The scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.


Used to retrieve all metadata associated with a given folder

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id


Get the metadata instance for a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id
scope String The scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.


Create a metadata instance for a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder id
scope String he scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.
keyName String Key name
keyValue String Value of key


Delete the metadata instance for a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String File id
scope String The scope of the metadata object (global or enterprise_{enterprise_id})
template String The key of the template. For example, the global scope has the properties template.


Invite an existing user to join an Enterprise.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
enterpriseId String The ID of the enterprise the user will be invited to
login String The login of the user that will receive the invitation


Returns all of the users for the Enterprise. Only available to admin accounts or service accounts.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userType String The type of user to search for. One of all, external or managed. The default is managed
filterTerm String Only return users whose name or login matches the filter_term. See notes below for details on the matching.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.
   If filter_term is omitted, all managed users (and app users) will be returned. External users can only be returned with an exact match of filterTerm.
   When called by a service account, this API will return either only app users or all enterprise users depending on the authorized scope of the app. 


Delete a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user
notify Boolean Whether the destination user will receive email notification of the transfer
force Boolean Whether the user should be deleted even if this user still own files


Update the information for a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
notify Boolean Whether the destination user will receive email notification of the transfer
enterprise String Set this to null to roll the user out of the enterprise and make them a free user
name String The name of this user
role String The user’s enterprise role. Can be coadmin or user
language String The language of the user.
isSyncEnabled Boolean Whether the user can use Box Sync
jobTitle String The user’s job title
phone String The user’s phone number
address String The user’s address
spaceAmount Number The user’s total available space amount in byte. A value of -1 grants unlimited storage.
canSeeManagedUsers String Whether the user can see other enterprise users in its contact list
status Select active, inactive, cannot_delete_edit, or cannot_delete_edit_upload


Create a new app user in an enterprise. This method only works for service accounts.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
name String The name of this user
isPlatformAccessOnly Boolean The name of this user
notify Boolean Whether the destination user will receive email notification of the transfer
enterprise String Set this to null to roll the user out of the enterprise and make them a free user
language String The language of the user.
jobTitle String The user’s job title
phone String The user’s phone number
address String The user’s address
spaceAmount Number The user’s total available space amount in byte. A value of -1 grants unlimited storage.
status Select active, inactive, cannot_delete_edit, or cannot_delete_edit_upload


Create a new managed user in an enterprise. This method only works for enterprise admins.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
login String The email address the user uses to login
name String The name of this user
role String The user’s enterprise role. Can be coadmin or user
language String The language of the user.
isSyncEnabled Boolean Whether the user can use Box Sync
jobTitle String The user’s job title
phone String The user’s phone number
address String The user’s address
spaceAmount Number The user’s total available space amount in byte. A value of -1 grants unlimited storage.
canSeeManagedUsers String Whether the user can see other enterprise users in its contact list
status Select active, inactive, cannot_delete_edit, or cannot_delete_edit_upload


Get information about a user in the enterprise. Requires enterprise administration authorization.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
userId String The ID of the user


Removes an email alias from a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
emailAliasId String The ID of the email alias
userId String The ID of the user


Adds a new email alias to the given user’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
email String The email address to add to the account as an alias
userId String The ID of the user


Get information about the user who is currently logged in (i.e. the user for whom this auth token was generated).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias


Retrieves all email aliases for this user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user


Used to convert one of the user’s confirmed email aliases into the user’s primary login.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
login String The email alias to become the primary email


Move all of the items owned by a user into a new folder in another user’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user
folderId String Must be 0 (the user’s root folder)
ownedById String The ID of the user who the folder will be transferred to
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
notify Boolean Whether the destination user should receive email notification of the transfer


Get information about a group.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupId String Group ID
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias


Create a new group.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
name String The name of the new group to be created
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
provenance String Typically used to track the external source where the group is coming from. Retrieved through the fields parameter.
externalSyncIdentifier String Typically used as a group identifier for groups coming from an external source. Retrieved through the fields parameter.
description String Description of the group. Retrieved through the fields parameter.


Update a group.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupId String Group ID
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
name String The name of the new group to be created
provenance String Typically used to track the external source where the group is coming from. Retrieved through the fields parameter.
externalSyncIdentifier String Typically used as a group identifier for groups coming from an external source. Retrieved through the fields parameter.
description String Description of the group. Retrieved through the fields parameter.


Delete a group.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupId String Group ID


Returns all of the groups for given enterprise. Must have permissions to see an enterprise’s groups.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
name String Only return groups whose name contains a word starting with the given string (case insensitive)
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Fetches a specific group membership entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupMembershipId String Group membership id


Add a member to a group.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String The ID of the user to add to the group
groupId String The ID of the group to add the user into.
role Select The role of the user in the group. Default is member option for admin
canRunReports Boolean Can run reports
canInstantLogin Boolean Can instant login
canCreateAccounts Boolean Can create accounts
canEditAccounts Boolean Can edit accounts


Fetches a specific group membership entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupMembershipId String Membership Id
role Select The role of the user in the group. Default is member option for admin
canRunReports Boolean Can run reports
canInstantLogin Boolean Can instant login
canCreateAccounts Boolean Can create accounts
canEditAccounts Boolean Can edit accounts


Delete a group membership.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupMembershipId String Membership Id


Returns all of the members for a given group if the requesting user has access.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupId String Group id
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Returns all of the group memberships for a given user. Note this is only available to group admins. To retrieve group memberships for the user making the API request, use the users/me/memberships endpoint.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
userId String User id
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Returns all of the group collaborations for a given group. Note this is only available to group admins.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
groupId String Group id
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Get information about a collaboration.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
collabId String Collaboration Id
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias


Create a new collaboration that grants a user or group access to a file or folder in a specific role.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
notify Boolean Determines if the user (or all the users in the group) will receive email notifications
itemType String file or folder
itemId String The ID of the file or folder that access is granted to
accessibleByType String user or group
accessibleById String The ID of the user or group that is granted access
accessibleByLogin String The email address of the person to grant access to. Use instead of id to invite new users
role Select The level of access granted.
canViewPath Boolean Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not. View path collaborations allow the invitee to see the entire ancestral path to the associated folder. The user will not gain privileges in any ancestral folder (e.g. see content the user is not collaborated on).


Update a collaboration.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
collabId String Collaboration Id
fields List The email address to add to the account as an alias
role Select The level of access granted. Can be editor, viewer, previewer, uploader, previewer uploader, viewer uploader, co-owner, or owner
status String The status of the collaboration invitation. Can be accepted, pending, or rejected.
canViewPath Boolean Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not. View path collaborations allow the invitee to see the entire ancestral path to the associated folder. The user will not gain privileges in any ancestral folder (e.g. see content the user is not collaborated on).


Delete a collaboration.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
collabId String Collaboration Id


Get all pending collaboration invites for a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Get information about a comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
commentId String Comment Id


Create a new comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
itemType String The type of the item that this comment will be placed on. Can be file or comment
itemId String The ID of the item that this comment will be placed on
message String The text of the comment
taggedMessage String The text of the comment, including @[userid:Username] somewhere in the message to mention the user, which will send them a direct email, letting them know they’ve been mentioned in a comment


Update a comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
commentId String The ID of the comment
message String The text of the comment


Delete a comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
commentId String The ID of the comment


Get information about a web link.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webLinkId String The ID of the web link


Create a new web link.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
url String The URL the web link points to. Must start with http:// or https://.
parentId String The ID of the parent folder where you’re creating the web link
name String Name of the web link. Defaults to the URL if not set.
description String Description of the web link


Update a web link.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webLinkId String The ID of the web link
url String The UR the web link points to. Must start with http:// or https://.
parentId String The ID of the parent folder where you’re creating the web link
name String Name of the web link. Defaults to the URL if not set.
description String Description of the web link


Move a web link to the trash.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webLinkId String The ID of the web link


Get events for a given user. A chunk of event objects is returned for the user based on the parameters passed in. Parameters indicating how many chunks are left as well as the next stream_position are also returned.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
streamPosition String The location in the event stream from which you want to start receiving events. You can specify the special value now to get 0 events and the latest stream_position value. Specifying 0 will return all available events.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 500.


Retrieves up to a year’ events for all users in an enterprise. Upper and lower bounds as well as filters can be applied to the results.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
eventType List List of event types. Only matching events are returned.
streamPosition String The location in the event stream from which you want to start receiving events. You can specify the special value now to get 0 events and the latest stream_position value. Specifying 0 will return all available events.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 500.


Used to retrieve the watermark for a corresponding Box file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File ID


Used to apply or update the watermark for a corresponding Box file. The endpoint accepts a JSON body describing the watermark to apply.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File ID


Used to remove the watermark for a corresponding Box file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String File ID


Used to retrieve the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder ID


Used to apply or update the watermark for a corresponding Box folder. The endpoints accepts a JSON body describing the watermark to apply.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder ID


Used to remove the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String Folder ID


Gets information about an individual device pin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
devicePinId String Device pin ID


Delete individual device pin

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
devicePinId String Device pin ID


Gets all the device pins within a given enterprise. Must be an enterprise admin with the manage enterprise scope to make this call.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
enterpriseId String Enterprise ID
limit String The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 10,000.
direction String The sorting direction (by id). One of ASC or DESC (default is ASC). Case-insensitive.


Retrieves the collections for the given user. Only the Favorites collection is supported.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.


Retrieves the files and/or folders contained within this collection. Collection item lists behave a lot like getting a folder’s items.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
collectionId String Collection Id.
fields List Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response
offset Number The offset of the item at which to begin the response. See offset-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.


Add items from a Collection

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
collectionId String Collection Id.
folderId String FolderId


Remove items from a Collection

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
folderId String FolderId


Fetches a specific task.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskId String Task Id


Used to create a single task for single user on a single file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String The ID of the file this task is associated with
message String An optional message to include with the task
dueAt DatePicker When this task is due. Example: 2014-04-03T11:09:43-07:00


Updates a specific task.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskId String Task Id
message String An optional message to include with the task
dueAt DatePicker When this task is due. Example: 2014-04-03T11:09:43-07:00


Permanently deletes a specific task.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskId String Task Id


Fetches a specific task assignment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskAssignmentId String Task Assignment Id


Used to assign a task to a single user. There can be multiple assignments on a given task.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskId String Task Id
assignToId String The ID of the user this assignment is for
assignToLogin String The login email address for the user this assignment is for


Used to update a task assignment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskAssignmentId String Task Assignment Id
message String A message from the assignee about this task
resolutionState Select Can be completed, incomplete, approved, or rejected


Deletes a specific task assignment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskAssignmentId String Task Assignment Id


Retrieves all of the assignments for a given task.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
taskId String Task Id


Used to retrieve information about a retention policy.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id


Used to create a new retention policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyName String Name of retention policy to be created
policyType Select finite or indefinite
retentionLength Number The retention_length is the amount of time, in days, to apply the retention policy to the selected content in days. Do not specify for indefinite policies. Required for finite policies.
dispositionAction Number If creating a finite policy, the disposition action can be permanently_delete or remove_retention. For indefinite policies, disposition action must be remove_retention.


Used to update a retention policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id
policyName String Updated name of retention policy
dispositionAction Number If creating a finite policy, the disposition action can be permanently_delete or remove_retention. For indefinite policies, disposition action must be remove_retention.
status String Used to retire a retention policy if status is set to retired. If not retiring a policy, do not include or set to null.


Retrieves all of the retention policies for the given enterprise. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyName String A name to filter the retention policies by. A trailing partial match search is performed.
policyType String A policy type to filter the retention policies by.
createdByUserId String A user ID to filter the retention policies by.


Used to retrieve information about a retention policy assignment. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
retentionPolicyAssignmentId String Retention Policy Assignment Id


Used to retrieve information about a retention policy assignment. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String The ID of the retention policy to assign this content to.
assignToType String Can only be one of two attributes: enterprise or folder.
assignToId String Id of the content to assign the retention policy to


Returns a list of all retention policy assignments associated with a specified retention policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String The ID of the retention policy to assign this content to.
type String The type of the retention policy assignment to retrieve. Can either be folder or enterprise.


Used to retrieve information about a file version retention. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileVersionRetentionId String File version retention Id


Retrieves all file version retentions for the given enterprise. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
fileId String A file ID to filter the file version retentions by
fileVersionId String A file version ID to filter the file version retentions by
policyId String A policy ID to filter the file version retentions by
dispositionAction String The disposition action of the retention policy. This action can be permanently_delete, which will cause the content retained by the policy to be permanently deleted, or remove_retention, which will lift the retention policy from the content, allowing it to be deleted by users, once the retention policy time period has passed.
dispositionBefore String See content times for formatting
dispositionAfter String See content times for formatting
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100.
marker String Base 64 encoded string that represents where the paging should being. It should be left blank to begin paging.


Get information about a legal hold policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id


Create a new legal hold policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyName String Name of Legal Hold Policy. Max characters 254.
description String Description of Legal Hold Policy. Max characters 500.
filterStartedAt String Date filter applies to Custodian assignments only.
filterEndedAt String Date filter applies to Custodian assignments only.
isOngoing Boolean After initialization, Assignments under this Policy will continue applying to files based on events, indefinitely.


Update a legal hold policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id
policyName String Name of Legal Hold Policy. Max characters 254.
description String Description of Legal Hold Policy. Max characters 500.
releaseNotes String Notes around why the policy was released. Optional property with a 500 character limit.


Sends a request to delete an existing legal hold policy. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the policy will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id


Get all of the legal hold policies for the enterprise. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyName String Case insensitive prefix-match filter on Policy name.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.
marker String Take from ‘next_marker’ column of a prior call to get the next page


Get information about a policy assignment. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
assignmentId String Assignment Id


Create a new policy assignment, which applies the legal hold policy to the target of the assignment. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String ID of Policy to create Assignment for.
assignToId Select Possible values for id are file_version_id, file_id, folder_id, or user_id
assignToType Select Possible values for type are file_version, file, folder, or user


Sends a request to delete an existing policy assignment. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the policy assignment will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
assignmentId String Assignment Id


Get all of the assignments for a legal hold policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String ID of Policy to get Assignments for. Can also specify a part of a URL
assignToType String Filter assignments of this type only. Can be file_version, file, folder, or user.
assignToId String Filter assignments to this ID only. Note that this will only show assignments applied directly to this entity.


Get information about a file version legal hold. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
id String ID of File Version Legal Hold


Get all of the non-deleted legal holds for a single legal hold policy. Only Business Plus or Enterprise account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
policyId String Policy Id


Get all webhooks in an enterprise.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
marker String The position marker at which to begin the response. See marker-based paging for details.
limit Number The maximum number of items to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 200.


Get information about a webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webhookId String Webhook Id


Create a new webhook. You can use our service as webhookUrl:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
targetType String Target type. file or folder
targetId String Target Id
triggers String Event types that trigger notifications for the target. Example: FILE.UPLOADED,FILE.DOWNLOADED
address String The notification URL of the webhook. The notification URL is the URL used by Box to send a notification when the webhook is triggered.


Update a webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webhookId String Webhook Id
targetType String Target type
targetId String Target Id
triggers String Event types that trigger notifications for the target. Example:FILE.UPLOADED,FILE.DOWNLOADED
address String The notification URL of the webhook. The notification URL is the URL used by Box to send a notification when the webhook is triggered.


Delete a webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token is a data string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session.
webhookId String Webhook Id
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