Reach Interactive

By liamquinnreach | Updated 9 days ago | SMS
Health Check



Reach Interactive SMS Platform

To start using our SMS service you will first need an account, to sign up for free please follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the FREE TRIAL button in the top right
  3. Complete the forms to create your account
  4. login in using your new credentials
  5. Go to Support -> Devoloper to find your API Username and Password

It may take up to 10 minutes for your account to be approved for free credits, once you receive your welcome email confirmation you will be able to start sending.

SMS API Documentation

Our API gateway lets you connect to our interfaces over HTTP/S and allows your applications to integrate SMS over the internet. Our API uses a RESTful endpoint and our request and response payloads are formatted as JSON but we also provide GET as an alternative.

All you need to use our service is a free account and your authentication details are accessible after you sign up.


We support SMPP Version 3.4. If you require an SMPP bind, please contact and we will happy to set things up for you.


All requests require your username and password being passed across in the header. These can be found once you have logged in under Support > Developer > API Details

Header Description
username Your Reach Interactive API Username
password Your Reach Interactive API Password

HTTP Status Code

Code Description
200 Successful Request
400 Details not correct or missing mandatory parameters
401 Invalid Account details
402 Out of Credits
403 Account forbidden for this action.
500 Service error.
503 The Service is unavailable.

DLR Codes

DLR codes are the same for our API’s and our SMPP binds.

Code Description
000 Delivered
600 No credits to send
601 No route
602 Blacklisted number detected
603 Bad destination number
604 Bad source number
605 Target SMSC message queue
606 Target SMSC submit fail
607 General error
608 Spam message detected
609 Validity period expired
610 Unauthorised Source address
611 Unknown DLR code
612 Submit timeout


The URI for this section is[Action]

Balance Action

GET     /sms/balance

Required Parameters

There are no extra parameters for the Balance -H username:YourReachUsername -H password:YourReachPassword; 

Returned Response

    "Description":"Credits Remaining"

Message Send

Creates a new message object. We return an array of each Id generated. Per request, a max of 50 recipients can be entered.

POST    /sms/message

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
to The Number that you want to send to, can be multiple numbers seperated by a ‘,’ or ‘;’
from Who the message will appear to be from
message The message to send to the phone, the first 160 characters will be a single message, anything over will be split down into messages the size of 153 characters.
For Unicode, this is the text encoded in hexadecimal
For Binary messaging, this the User Data (140 octets max)

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Default
valid How many hours that you require us to try to send the SMS for before it is expired, the minimum for this is 15 minutes (0.25) 72
reference A reference that you want saved against the message in our system
callbackUrl The URL that you want us to send the delivery report to. See below in the Delivery Report for more information
scheduled The Date and Time you want the message to be sent (yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm)
coding The type of message you would like to send, 1 = Text, 2 = Unicode, 3 = Binary, 4 = Auto 1
udh User Data Header

Example JSON Payload

    "to" : "447xxxxxxxxx", 
    "from" : "Reach", 
    "message" : "Test Json Send" 
 -X "POST" -H username:YourReachUsername -H password:YourReachPassword -H "Content-Type: application/json -d "{\"to\":\"RecipientPhoneNumber\",\"from\":\"FromName\",\"message\":\"YourMessage\"}"

Returned Response


Message Details

This can be used to retreive the details of a message sent over our API or SMPP binds.

GET     /sms/message/{Id}{id} -H username:YourReachUsername -H password:YourReachPassword

Returned Response

    "Text":"Your Message",
    "Sent Date":"2016-06-23T15:27:08.497",
    "Message Status":"Delivered",
    "Delivered Date":"2016-06-23T15:27:17.973",
    "Description":"Unknown Error Code",

Message Delete

This can be used to delete a scheduled message that has not been sent.

DELETE  /sms/message/{Id}
 -X "DELETE" -H username:YourReachUsername -H password:YourReachPassword

Returned Response

    "Description":"Id Removed"

Delivery Report

We can provide an HTTP GET response of the message
These are the parameters that will be passed back

Parameter Description
msgid The Id that was originally supplied in the API call
msisdn The number that the delivery report is from
timestamp The date and time of the delivery report
status The status of the delivery report
code The DLR code of the message

Extra Information

If you require any more information passed back in the call back, you can add them to the URL that you supply.
For example if you supply the call back that then gets send back will be hh:mm:ss&Status=Delivered&Code=000


Status Description
delivered Delivered successfully
rejected Message rejected
expired Message could not be delivered within valid time frame
undelivered Message has not been delivered

Inbound Messages

After purchasing an Inbound long number or Short code keyword. Please Go to Inbox > Inbox in the menu to view / edit the settings for each Inbound

HLR Action

GET     /sms/hlr/{msisdn} -H username:YourReachUsername -H password:YourReachPassword

Returned Response



Description Description
active The number is registered and active
absent The number is not registered on a network.
failed The number is not registered.
unknown The number is unknown.
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