Amazon Product/Reviews/Keywords

By logicbuilder | Updated vor einem Monat | eCommerce

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Details endpoint not returning results reliably

Rapid account: Marie Yh Pdfa Wbr
vor 9 Monaten

When calling the details endpoint for a product that exists, I’m getting unreliable results. If I call the details endpoint multiple times, the results sometimes show, sometimes it’s empty.

I’m trying to pull product info for this product:

I’m calling the details endpoint using this code:
url = “

querystring = {"asin":asin,"country":"US"}

headers = {
    "X-RapidAPI-Key": AMAZON_API_KEY,
    "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

The first 4 times I called the endpoint, this was returned:
{‘product’: {‘title’: ‘’, ‘description’: ‘’, ‘feature_bullets’: [], ‘variants’: [], ‘categories’: [], ‘asin’: ‘B001PQOAOA’, ‘url’: ‘’, ‘reviews’: {‘total_reviews’: 0, ‘rating’: 0, ‘answered_questions’: 0}, ‘item_available’: True, ‘price’: {‘symbol’: ‘$’, ‘currency’: ‘USD’, ‘current_price’: 0, ‘discounted’: False, ‘before_price’: 0, ‘savings_amount’: 0, ‘savings_percent’: 0}, ‘bestsellers_rank’: [], ‘main_image’: ‘’, ‘total_images’: 0, ‘images’: [], ‘total_videos’: 0, ‘videos’: [], ‘delivery_message’: ‘’, ‘product_information’: {‘dimensions’: ‘’, ‘weight’: ‘’, ‘available_from’: ‘’, ‘available_from_utc’: ‘’, ‘available_for_months’: 0, ‘available_for_days’: 0, ‘manufacturer’: ‘’, ‘model_number’: ‘’, ‘department’: ‘’, ‘qty_per_order’: ‘na’, ‘brand’: ‘’}, ‘badges’: {‘amazon_сhoice’: False, ‘amazon_prime’: True, ‘best_seller’: False}, ‘sponsored_products’: [], ‘also_bought’: [], ‘other_sellers’: []}}

On the 5th call, I received a response with the information for the product.
{‘product’: {‘title’: ‘McCormick Ground Cumin, 14 oz’, ‘description’: ’ Rich and hearty McCormick Ground Cumin is always ground from whole cumin seeds. It brings earthy warmth and subtle citrus flavor to chili, tacos, steak, lamb and shish kebabs. A global favorite in Mexican…}

Rapid account: Jcavi 7395
jcavi7395 Commented vor 7 Monaten

Are you ready to go back in time and play the original version of the Snake game?

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented vor 9 Monaten

Hello. The issue will be investigated and fixed. Thank You

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