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By logicbuilder | Updated 16일 전 | Social

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Problem with the Followers and Followings endpoints

Rapid account: Hervejodoin
2년 전

Have been doing this sporadically for 3 weeks.

Result is:

{‘count’: 0, ‘has_more’: False, ‘end_cursor’: ‘QVFCQTkya18yczRfWFZNYnFiVHl0S3h5WWo4WjFVbnhuX1VXSC13ZjhVemNCbnNuV0R6bXg5ZXQ1TUoySzJoaFVUeUFoRnN5V0toUkNQT1dIbkcxam1tVg==’, ‘collector’: []}

End cursor in result is the same as passed in the sent request’s parameters.

Rapid account: Hjpop 3
hjpop3 Commented 일 년 전

Same problem again this morning. Any hopes this can be fixed?

Rapid account: Hervejodoin
hervejodoin Commented 2년 전

Any ETA on a fix? I’m awaiting this to restart my monthly subscription.

Rapid account: Hervejodoin
hervejodoin Commented 2년 전

The issue is still there.

Just experienced the same bug with the endpoint.

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented 2년 전

The issue was fixed. Thank You

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented 2년 전

The issue will be investigated

Thank You

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