
By Sunglade Digital Solutions | Updated 2달 전 | Music
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Request to Get Lyrics

Use the base url then ‘/lyrics’ It uses Get parameter to give you exact result

  1. limit (optional parameter)
    This can be use to limit your search result you can give from 1-66, By default it is 66.
  2. order (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the latest or older search result. You can pass the values as ‘asc’ (getting older results) or ‘desc’ (getting latest results).
  3. lang (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the language based search result. You can pass the values as ‘hindi’ , ‘telugu’ , ‘english’ , ‘telugu folk’ and ‘hindi folk’. Always encode the values(i.e telugu folk = telugu%20folk).
  4. movie (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the movie based search result.Always encode the values.
  5. singer (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the singer based search result.Always encode the values.
  6. label (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the label based search result.Always encode the values.
  7. title (optional parameter)
    This can be use to get the title based search result.Always encode the values.

Use the base url then ‘/singer’ It uses Get parameter to give you exact result

  1. limit (optional parameter)
    This can be use to limit your search result you can give from 1-6, By default it is 6.
  2. singer (required parameter)
    This can be use to get the singers list as result.Always encode the values(i.e arijit singh = arijit%20singh).

Use the base url then ‘/movie’ It uses Get parameter to give you exact result

  1. limit (optional parameter)
    This can be use to limit your search result you can give from 1-6, By default it is 6.
  2. movie (required parameter)
    This can be use to get the movie list as result.Always encode the values(i.e 3 idiots = 3%20idiots).

Use the base url then ‘/label’ It uses get parameter to give you exact result

  1. limit (optional parameter)
    This can be use to limit your search result you can give from 1-6, By default it is 6.
  2. label (required parameter)
    This can be use to get the music label list as result.Always encode the values(i.e T-Series = t-series).

Use the base url then ‘/search’ It uses get parameter to give you exact result

  1. limit (optional parameter)
    This can be use to limit your search result you can give from 1-6, By default it is 6.
  2. search (required parameter)
    This can be use to search the any thing related to songs as result.Always encode the values(i.e T-Series = t-series).
  3. cat (required parameter)
    This is required parameter to seach in two category. They are ‘music’ and ‘movie’.
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