
By Miki Lior | Updated 17 days ago | Storage
Health Check



GoogleDrive Package

Read, write, and sync files stored in Google Drive from your mobile and web apps.

  • Domain: GoogleDrive
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. When you create your application, you register it using the Google API Console. Google then provides information you’ll need later, such as a client ID and a client secret.
  2. Activate the Drive API in the Google API Console. (If the API isn’t listed in the API Console, then skip this step.)
  3. When your application needs access to user data, it asks Google for a particular scope of access.
  4. Google displays a consent screen to the user, asking them to authorize your application to request some of their data.
  5. If the user approves, then Google gives your application a short-lived access token.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get AccessToken.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client ID
clientSecret credentials Client secret
code String Code you received from Google after the user granted access
redirectUri String The same redirect URL as in received Code step.


Get new accessToken by refreshToken.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client ID
clientSecret credentials Client secret
refreshToken String A token that you can use to obtain a new access token. Refresh tokens are valid until the user revokes access. Again, this field is only present in this response if you set the access_type parameter to offline in the initial request to Google’s authorization server.


In some cases a user may wish to revoke access given to an application. A user can revoke access by visiting Account Settings. It is also possible for an application to programmatically revoke the access given to it. Programmatic revocation is important in instances where a user unsubscribes or removes an application. In other words, part of the removal process can include an API request to ensure the permissions granted to the application are removed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String The token can be an access token or a refresh token. If the token is an access token and it has a corresponding refresh token, the refresh token will also be revoked.


Gets information about the user, the user’s Drive, and system capabilities.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Gets the starting pageToken for listing future changes.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
teamDriveId String The ID of the Team Drive for which the starting pageToken for listing future changes from that Team Drive will be returned.
fields List List of fields. To display all fields, use *.Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists the changes for a user or Team Drive.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response or to the response from the getStartPageToken method.
includeCorpusRemovals Select Whether changes should include the file resource if the file is still accessible by the user at the time of the request, even when a file was removed from the list of changes and there will be no further change entries for this file. (Default: false)
includeRemoved Select Whether to include changes indicating that items have been removed from the list of changes, for example by deletion or loss of access. (Default: true)
includeTeamDriveItems Select Whether Team Drive files or changes should be included in results. (Default: false)
pageSize Number The maximum number of changes to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. (Default: 100)
restrictToMyDrive Select Whether to restrict the results to changes inside the My Drive hierarchy. This omits changes to files such as those in the Application Data folder or shared files which have not been added to My Drive. (Default: false)
spaces List A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the user corpus. Supported values are ‘drive’, ‘appDataFolder’ and ‘photos’.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
teamDriveId String The Team Drive from which changes will be returned. If specified the change IDs will be reflective of the Team Drive; use the combined Team Drive ID and change ID as an identifier.
fields List List of fields. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Stop watching resources through this channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
kind String Identifies this as a notification channel used to watch for changes to a resource. Value: the fixed string “api#channel”.
id String A UUID or similar unique string that identifies this channel.
resourceId String An opaque ID that identifies the resource being watched on this channel. Stable across different API versions.
resourceUri String A version-specific identifier for the watched resource.
token String An arbitrary string delivered to the target address with each notification delivered over this channel. Optional.
expiration DatePicker Date and time of notification channel expiration, expressed as a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. Optional.
type String The type of delivery mechanism used for this channel.
address String The address where notifications are delivered for this channel.
payload Select A Boolean value to indicate whether payload is wanted. Optional.
params Array Additional parameters controlling delivery channel behavior. Optional.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Creates a new comment on a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
content String The plain text content of the comment. This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be displayed.
anchor String A region of the document represented as a JSON string. See anchor documentation for details on how to define and interpret anchor properties.
quotedFileContentValue String The quoted content itself. This is interpreted as plain text if set through the API.
quotedFileContentMimeType String The quoted content itself. This is interpreted as plain text if set through the API.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Deletes a comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.


Gets a comment by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
includeDeleted Select Whether to return deleted comments. Deleted comments will not include their original content. (Default: false)
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists a file’s comments.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
includeDeleted Select Whether to include deleted comments. Deleted comments will not include their original content. (Default: false)
pageSize Number The maximum number of comments to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 20)
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response.
startModifiedTime DatePicker The minimum value of ‘modifiedTime’ for the result comments (RFC 3339 date-time).
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Updates a comment with patch semantics.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
content String The plain text content of the comment. This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be displayed.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists a file’s comments.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
appProperties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
contentHintsThumbnailImage String The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
contentHintsThumbnailMimeType String The MIME type of the thumbnail.
description String A short description of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the file. Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded. If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About resource.
modifiedTime DatePicker The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time). Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
name String The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable items such as the top level folders of Team Drives, My Drive root folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
parents List The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file. If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
properties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
starred Select Whether the user has starred the file.
viewedByMeTime DatePicker The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
viewersCanCopyContent Select Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file’s content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
writersCanShare Select Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file’s permissions. Not populated for Team Drive files.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


A createFileFromUpload is the most straightforward method for uploading a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
uploadFile File Upload file.
contentType String Set to the MIME media type of the object being uploaded.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)


A updateFileFromUpload is the most straightforward method for updating a file .

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
uploadFile File Upload file.
contentType String Set to the MIME media type of the object being uploaded.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)


A updateFileFromMultipartData is the most straightforward method for updating a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
uploadFile File Upload file.
contentType String Set to the MIME media type of the object being uploaded.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)
appProperties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
contentHintsIndexableText String Text to be indexed for the file to improve fullText queries. This is limited to 128KB in length and may contain HTML elements.
contentHintsThumbnailImage String The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
contentHintsMimeType String The MIME type of the thumbnail.
description String A short description of the file.
folderColorRgb String The color for a folder as an RGB hex string. The supported colors are published in the folderColorPalette field of the About resource.If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette will be used instead.
id String The ID of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the file.Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About resource.
modifiedTime DatePicker The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
name String The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable items such as the top level folders of Team Drives, My Drive root folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
originalFilename String The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the original value of the name field. This is only available for files with binary content in Drive.
parents List The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
properties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
starred Select The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
viewedByMeTime DatePicker The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
viewersCanCopyContent Select Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file’s content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
writersCanShare Select Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file’s permissions. Not populated for Team Drive files.


A updateFileFromMetadata is the most straightforward method for updating a metadata file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)
appProperties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
contentHintsIndexableText String Text to be indexed for the file to improve fullText queries. This is limited to 128KB in length and may contain HTML elements.
contentHintsThumbnailImage String The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
contentHintsMimeType String The MIME type of the thumbnail.
description String A short description of the file.
folderColorRgb String The color for a folder as an RGB hex string. The supported colors are published in the folderColorPalette field of the About resource.If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette will be used instead.
id String The ID of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the file.Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About resource.
modifiedTime DatePicker The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
name String The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable items such as the top level folders of Team Drives, My Drive root folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
originalFilename String The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the original value of the name field. This is only available for files with binary content in Drive.
parents List The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
properties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
starred Select The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
viewedByMeTime DatePicker The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
viewersCanCopyContent Select Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file’s content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
writersCanShare Select Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file’s permissions. Not populated for Team Drive files.


Creates a new file from metadata.For metadata-only requests.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)
appProperties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
contentHintsIndexableText String Text to be indexed for the file to improve fullText queries. This is limited to 128KB in length and may contain HTML elements.
contentHintsThumbnailImage String The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
contentHintsMimeType String The MIME type of the thumbnail.
description String A short description of the file.
folderColorRgb String The color for a folder as an RGB hex string. The supported colors are published in the folderColorPalette field of the About resource.If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette will be used instead.
id String The ID of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the file.Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About resource.
modifiedTime DatePicker The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
name String The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable items such as the top level folders of Team Drives, My Drive root folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
originalFilename String The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the original value of the name field. This is only available for files with binary content in Drive.
parents List The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
properties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
starred Select The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
viewedByMeTime DatePicker The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
viewersCanCopyContent Select Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file’s content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
writersCanShare Select Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file’s permissions. Not populated for Team Drive files.


Creates a new file from upload data/metadata.Maximum file size: 5120GB.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
uploadFile File Upload file.
ignoreDefaultVisibility Select Whether to ignore the domain’s default visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still inherited from parent folders. (Default: false)
contentType String Set to the MIME media type of the object being uploaded.
keepRevisionForever Select Whether to set the ‘keepForever’ field in the new head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive. (Default: false)
ocrLanguage String A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
useContentAsIndexableText Select Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text. (Default: false)
appProperties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the requesting app. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
contentHintsIndexableText String Text to be indexed for the file to improve fullText queries. This is limited to 128KB in length and may contain HTML elements.
contentHintsThumbnailImage String The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
contentHintsMimeType String The MIME type of the thumbnail.
description String A short description of the file.
folderColorRgb String The color for a folder as an RGB hex string. The supported colors are published in the folderColorPalette field of the About resource.If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette will be used instead.
id String The ID of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the file.Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published in the About resource.
modifiedTime DatePicker The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the user.
name String The name of the file. This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable items such as the top level folders of Team Drives, My Drive root folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
originalFilename String The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the original value of the name field. This is only available for files with binary content in Drive.
parents List The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
properties Array A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps. Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
starred Select The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed directly in the My Drive folder. Update requests must use the addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the values.
viewedByMeTime DatePicker The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
viewersCanCopyContent Select Whether users with only reader or commenter permission can copy the file’s content. This affects copy, download, and print operations.
writersCanShare Select Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file’s permissions. Not populated for Team Drive files.


Permanently deletes a file owned by the user without moving it to the trash. If the file belongs to a Team Drive the user must be an organizer on the parent. If the target is a folder, all descendants owned by the user are also deleted.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it.
fileId String The ID of the file.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)


Permanently deletes all of the user’s trashed files.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it


Exports a Google Doc to the requested MIME type and returns the exported content.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
mimeType String The MIME type of the format requested for this export.


Generates a set of file IDs which can be provided in create requests.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
count Number The number of IDs to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. (Default: 10)
space String The space in which the IDs can be used to create new files. Supported values are ‘drive’ and ‘appDataFolder’.


Gets a file’s metadata or content by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
acknowledgeAbuse Select Whether the user is acknowledging the risk of downloading known malware or other abusive files. This is only applicable when alt=media. (Default: false)
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists or searches files.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
corpora List Comma-separated list of bodies of items (files/documents) to which the query applies. Supported bodies are ‘user’, ‘domain’, ‘teamDrive’ and ‘allTeamDrives’. ‘allTeamDrives’ must be combined with ‘user’; all other values must be used in isolation. Prefer ‘user’ or ‘teamDrive’ to ‘allTeamDrives’ for efficiency.
corpus Select The source of files to list. Deprecated: use ‘corpora’ instead. Acceptable values are: “domain”: Files shared to the user’s domain. “user”: Files owned by or shared to the user.
includeTeamDriveItems Select Whether Team Drive items should be included in results. (Default: false)
orderBy List A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are ‘createdTime’, ‘folder’, ‘modifiedByMeTime’, ‘modifiedTime’, ‘name’, ‘quotaBytesUsed’, ‘recency’, ‘sharedWithMeTime’, ‘starred’, and ‘viewedByMeTime’. Each key sorts ascending by default, but may be reversed with the ‘desc’ modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedTime desc,name. Please note that there is a current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which the requested sort order is ignored.
pageSize Number The maximum number of files to return per page. Partial or empty result pages are possible even before the end of the files list has been reached. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. (Default: 100)
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response.
query String A query for filtering the file results. See the “Search for Files” guide for supported syntax.
spaces List A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the user corpus. Supported values are ‘drive’, ‘appDataFolder’ and ‘photos’.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
teamDriveId String ID of Team Drive to search
fields List List of fields. To display all fields, use *.Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Creates a permission for a file or Team Drive.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
emailMessage String A custom message to include in the notification email.
sendNotificationEmail Select Whether to send a notification email when sharing to users or groups. This defaults to true for users and groups, and is not allowed for other requests. It must not be disabled for ownership transfers.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
transferOwnership Select Whether to transfer ownership to the specified user and downgrade the current owner to a writer. This parameter is required as an acknowledgement of the side effect. (Default: false)
role Select The role granted by this permission. While new values may be supported in the future, the following are currently allowed: “organizer”, “owner”, “writer”, “commenter”, “reader”
type Select The type of the grantee. Valid values are: “user”, “group”, “domain”, “anyone”
allowFileDiscovery Select Whether the permission allows the file to be discovered through search. This is only applicable for permissions of type domain or anyone.
domain String The domain to which this permission refers.
emailAddress String The email address of the user or group to which this permission refers.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Deletes a permission.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
permissionId String The ID of the permission.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)


Gets a permission by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
permissionId String The ID of the permission.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
fields List List of fields. To display all fields, use *.Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists a file’s or Team Drive’s permissions.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
permissionId String The permissionId of the file.
pageSize Number The maximum number of permissions to return per page. When not set for files in a Team Drive, at most 100 results will be returned. When not set for files that are not in a Team Drive, the entire list will be returned. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive.
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response.
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
kind String Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string drive#permissionList.
permissions List The list of permissions. If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an additional page of results should be fetched.
nextPageToken String The page token for the next page of permissions. This field will be absent if the end of the permissions list has been reached. If the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
fields List List of fields. To display all fields, use *.Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Updates a permission with patch semantics.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
permissionId String The ID of the permission.
removeExpiration Select Whether to remove the expiration date. (Default: false)
supportsTeamDrives Select Whether the requesting application supports Team Drives. (Default: false)
transferOwnership Select Whether to transfer ownership to the specified user and downgrade the current owner to a writer. This parameter is required as an acknowledgement of the side effect. (Default: false)
expirationTime DatePicker The time at which this permission will expire (RFC 3339 date-time). Expiration times have the following restrictions: They can only be set on user and group permissions. The time must be in the future. The time cannot be more than a year in the future
role Select The role granted by this permission. While new values may be supported in the future, the following are currently allowed: “organizer”, “owner”, “writer”, “commenter”, “reader”


Creates a new reply to a comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
action Select The action the reply performed to the parent comment. Valid values are:, “resolve”, “reopen”
content String The plain text content of the reply. This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be displayed. This is required on creates if no action is specified.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Deletes a reply.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
replyId String The ID of the reply.
fields List List of fields. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Gets a reply by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
replyId String The ID of the reply.
includeDeleted Select Whether to return deleted replies. Deleted replies will not include their original content. (Default: false)
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists a comment’s replies.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
includeDeleted Select Whether to return deleted replies. Deleted replies will not include their original content. (Default: false)
pageSize Number The maximum number of replies to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 20)
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Updates a reply with patch semantics.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
commentId String The ID of the comment.
replyId String The ID of the reply.
content String The plain text content of the reply. This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be displayed. This is required on creates if no action is specified.


Permanently deletes a revision. This method is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
revisionId String The ID of the revision.
fields List List of fields. To display all fields, use *.Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Gets a revision’s metadata or content by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
revisionId String The ID of the revision.
acknowledgeAbuse Select Whether the user is acknowledging the risk of downloading known malware or other abusive files. This is only applicable when alt=media. (Default: false)
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists a file’s revisions.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
pageSize Number The maximum number of revisions to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. (Default: 200)
pageToken String The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of ‘nextPageToken’ from the previous response.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Updates a revision with patch semantics.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
fileId String The ID of the file.
revisionId String The ID of the revision.
keepForever Select Whether to keep this revision forever, even if it is no longer the head revision. If not set, the revision will be automatically purged 30 days after newer content is uploaded. This can be set on a maximum of 200 revisions for a file. This field is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.
publishAuto Select Whether subsequent revisions will be automatically republished. This is only applicable to Google Docs.
published Select Whether this revision is published. This is only applicable to Google Docs.
publishedOutsideDomain Select Whether this revision is published outside the domain. This is only applicable to Google Docs.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Creates a new Team Drive.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
requestId String An ID, such as a random UUID, which uniquely identifies this user’s request for idempotent creation of a Team Drive. A repeated request by the same user and with the same request ID will avoid creating duplicates by attempting to create the same Team Drive. If the Team Drive already exists a 409 error will be returned.
themeId String The ID of the theme from which the background image and color will be set. The set of possible teamDriveThemes can be retrieved from a drive.about.get response. When not specified on a drive.teamdrives.create request, a random theme is chosen from which the background image and color are set. This is a write-only field; it can only be set on requests that don’t set colorRgb or backgroundImageFile.


Permanently deletes a Team Drive for which the user is an organizer. The Team Drive cannot contain any untrashed items.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
teamDriveId String The ID of the Team Drive


Gets a Team Drive’s metadata by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
teamDriveId String The ID of the Team Drive
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Lists the user’s Team Drives.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
pageSize Number Maximum number of Team Drives to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 10)
pageToken String Page token for Team Drives.
fields List List of fields.To display all fields, use *. Examples: kind, user, storageQuota, importFormats, exportFormats, maxImportSizes, maxUploadSize, appInstalled, folderColorPalette, teamDriveThemes


Updates a Team Drive’s metadata.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token. Use getAccessToken to get it
teamDriveId String The ID of the Team Drive
backgroundImageFileId String Id of image file. If set also set “backgroundImageFileWidth”, “backgroundImageFileXCoordinate”, “backgroundImageFileYCoordinate”
backgroundImageFileWidth Number Width of image file. If set also set “backgroundImageFileId”, “backgroundImageFileXCoordinate”, “backgroundImageFileYCoordinate”
backgroundImageFileXCoordinate Number xCoordinate of image file. If set also set “backgroundImageFileId”, “backgroundImageFileWidth”, “backgroundImageFileYCoordinate”
backgroundImageFileYCoordinate Number xCoordinate of image file. If set also set “backgroundImageFileId”, “backgroundImageFileWidth”, “backgroundImageFileXCoordinate”
backgroundImageFileYCoordinate Number xCoordinate of image file. If set also set “backgroundImageFileId”, “backgroundImageFileWidth”, “backgroundImageFileXCoordinate”
colorRgb String The color of this Team Drive as an RGB hex string. It can only be set on a drive.teamdrives.update request that does not set themeId.
themeId String The ID of the theme from which the background image and color will be set. The set of possible teamDriveThemes can be retrieved from a drive.about.get response. When not specified on a drive.teamdrives.create request, a random theme is chosen from which the background image and color are set. This is a write-only field; it can only be set on requests that don’t set colorRgb or backgroundImageFile.
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