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Issue with Direct Downloads of Media Files via Provided Links

Rapid account: Mhmdshojaee
4 mesi fa

Dear 9527,

I am reaching out to address a specific challenge Iโ€™ve encountered while integrating your API into my application. The issue pertains to the behavior of the media file download links provided by your API, which, instead of prompting a direct download, result in the media being played in the browser.

Detailed Description of the Issue:
Upon receiving a media file download link from your API, I expected that clicking the link (or programmatically accessing it via an HTTP GET request) would initiate a download of the file to the userโ€™s device. However, instead of downloading, the link navigates to a new browser tab where the media content (audio/video) is played directly. This behavior does not align with the intended functionality of allowing users to download the files for offline access.

Attempted Solutions and Observations:

I have tried using the Content-Disposition: attachment header in my requests, hoping to force the browser to download the file instead of opening it. However, since this is a client-side action, my control over the response headers from the API is limited.
Utilizing HTML5 attributes (e.g., <a href="โ€ฆ" download>) only works when the originating server sets appropriate headers to allow for such downloads, which seems not to be the case currently.
Questions and Requests for Assistance:

Server-Side Headers: Could you confirm if the APIโ€™s server is configured to set the Content-Disposition: attachment header for download links? If not, is it possible to enable this configuration to facilitate direct downloads?

Best Practices for Download: If changing server-side configurations is not feasible, could you provide guidance or recommended practices for initiating direct downloads of media files via your API? Any client-side approaches or specific API parameters that could enforce this behavior would be highly appreciated.

Documentation or Examples: Are there any existing documentation sections, code snippets, or API parameters that I might have overlooked, which specifically address controlling the behavior of download links?

Understanding the necessity to ensure a seamless user experience, enabling direct downloads for offline access is crucial for the functionality of my application. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to any solutions or guidance you can provide.

Best Regards,

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