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Door Oleksii Neishchenko | Bijgewerkt 20日前 | Location

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422 error

Rapid account: Ianmckintosh 1969

I just signed up for the API service but getting a 422 error when attempting to call. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Rapid account: Ianmckintosh 1969
ianmckintosh1969 Commented 8ヶ月前

just sent.

Rapid account: Api Ocean
ApiOcean Commented 8ヶ月前

I have not used this software, but I can try to help.
Could you send me screenshots of the request settings to o.neishch@gmail.com?

Rapid account: Ianmckintosh 1969
ianmckintosh1969 Commented 8ヶ月前

Unfortunately, it is not a common language. I am making the calls from within a vendor provided application which supports REST API calls. The application is from Jack Henry.

Rapid account: Api Ocean
ApiOcean Commented 8ヶ月前

What programming language and technology do you use?

Rapid account: Ianmckintosh 1969
ianmckintosh1969 Commented 8ヶ月前

Not sure how I can pass the following as a query string.


I changed it to be in the body of a REST call but that resulted in no parameters being sent.

Rapid account: Api Ocean
ApiOcean Commented 8ヶ月前

Now the parameters look like this:

That is, there should be 5 separate parameters: start_point, end_point_1, end_point_2, unit, decimal_places
Instead, there is a single parameter that contains a mix of all 5 parameters in its name and has a value of “true”

Rapid account: Api Ocean
ApiOcean Commented 8ヶ月前

In the last 3 requests I found, no parameters were sent

Rapid account: Ianmckintosh 1969
ianmckintosh1969 Commented 8ヶ月前

Appreciate the quick response. I made an adjustment but 422 still occurs. Can you take a look to see if the information is still being passed incorrectly?

Rapid account: Api Ocean
ApiOcean Commented 8ヶ月前

It looks like the problem is in the parameters you are sending.
It should be like this:

And from you it comes like this:

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