YouTuber Success Estimator

Door DMTAndy | Bijgewerkt לפני חודש | Advertising

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Why did my Estimator request fail?

Rapid account: DMT Andy
לפני שנתיים

Expected outcome: A statusCode 200 and a payload result from the estimator API with the projection for the desginated YouTube channel

Actual outcome: A statusCode of 400 and a body response of:
{"statusCode":400,"payload":{"error":{"message":"error, missing one or more expected query params of channelId or channelType"}}}

Rapid account: DMT Andy
DMTAndy Commented לפני שנתיים

If this occurs to you, make sure:

  1. You are submitting a request with either a channelId and channelType or a channelName and channelType query params
  2. Once you have confirmed you are submitting the request with the expected query params, confirm you are not accidentally url-encoding the query params

Accidentally url-encoding the query params confuses the RapidAPI endpoint and sends a garbled request body that the DMT API cannot properly parse and will return an error.

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