Upload Image And Return URL by thichthicodeteam

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Total File Size ?

Rapid account: Techmeetups
il y a 6 mois

Hi Whats the total file size offered with uploads ?
ie How many GBs can I store using your API ?


Rapid account: Dat Tran LK
DatTranLK Commented il y a 6 mois

Sorry, I am lazy to response the message when upload fail huhu. Because I have been using Azure to host so I need to do a lot of things huhu. Sorry 😦(

Rapid account: Dat Tran LK
DatTranLK Commented il y a 6 mois

hi techmeetups, you can upload as many as you want with the images with filename extension like (png, jpg, gif,). And with the large file size the api will response slower 😃

Rapid account: Dat Tran LK
DatTranLK Commented il y a 6 mois

hi the api will working with the images with filename extension like (png, jpg, gif,…etc) and you will get the url link of the images.

Rapid account: Omizhut
omizhut Commented il y a 6 mois

hi is api working fine for you?

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