Business E-Mail Resolution

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Getting essential company data from an email address using n8n

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to access the API for getting essential company information by providing a business email address using n8n, with an example workflow for CRM Data Enrichment:

Step 1: Set up n8n
If you haven’t already, install and set up n8n by following the instructions provided on their website ( Make sure you have n8n running and accessible through a web browser.

Step 2: Create a new workflow
Once you’re in the n8n interface, click on the “Create Workflow” button to create a new workflow.

Step 3: Add a Trigger node
Drag and drop the appropriate Trigger node to initiate the workflow. In this case, select the node that corresponds to the event that triggers the CRM data enrichment process. For example, if it’s a new lead added to the CRM, you can use the “HTTP Request” or “CRM Trigger” node.

Step 4: Add an HTTP Request node
Drag and drop the “HTTP Request” node from the node list onto the workflow canvas.

Step 5: Configure the HTTP Request node
Double-click on the “HTTP Request” node to configure its settings. Set the method to “POST” and enter the API endpoint URL from RapidAPI. Configure any necessary headers or authentication parameters based on the API documentation.

Step 6: Set up the Request Body
In the Request Body section, enter the necessary parameters required by the API, such as the business email address. You can use n8n’s variable system to reference data from the Trigger node or previous nodes in the workflow.

Step 7: Add a Data Parser node
Drag and drop a “Data Parser” node from the node list onto the workflow canvas.

Step 8: Configure the Data Parser node
Double-click on the “Data Parser” node to configure its settings. Specify the format of the API response (e.g., JSON) and map the relevant fields you want to extract from the API response.

Step 9: Add subsequent nodes
Depending on your requirements, you can add more nodes to process the enriched data further. For example, you can add nodes to update the CRM, send notifications, or perform any other necessary actions based on the extracted company information.

Step 10: Connect the nodes
Connect the nodes in the workflow by dragging the output connector of one node to the input connector of the next node. This establishes the data flow between the nodes.

Step 11: Save and activate the workflow
Save the workflow and activate it to start running. n8n will execute the workflow whenever the trigger event occurs, enriching the CRM data with the essential company information obtained from the API.

That’s it! You have successfully set up an n8n workflow for CRM Data Enrichment, where the API is used to get essential company information by providing a business email address. n8n will automate the process and fetch the necessary data from the API for each CRM entry, allowing you to enhance your CRM data with valuable company details.