Business E-Mail Resolution

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How to enrich your contact data in Salesforce CRM

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the API to enrich company information by providing a business email address using Salesforce CRM, with an example workflow for CRM Data Enrichment:

Step 1: Set up Salesforce CRM
If you haven’t already, sign up for a Salesforce CRM account at and create a new account or log in to your existing one.

Step 2: Access the Salesforce API documentation
Navigate to the Salesforce API documentation at Familiarize yourself with the API endpoints and authentication methods available for accessing and updating CRM data.

Step 3: Generate API credentials
In Salesforce CRM, go to “Setup” and search for “API” in the quick find box. Enable the necessary API access and generate the required API credentials (e.g., OAuth tokens or API key) to authenticate your API requests.

Step 4: Create a workflow for CRM Data Enrichment
In Salesforce CRM, navigate to the “Setup” menu and search for “Process Builder” or “Workflow Rules.” Create a new workflow for CRM Data Enrichment. Set the trigger for the workflow based on the event that should initiate the data enrichment process, such as a new lead or contact being created.

Step 5: Add an action to the workflow
Within the workflow, add an action step that will make the API request to retrieve essential company information. This can be done using Salesforce’s “Callout” or “HTTP Request” action.

Step 6: Configure the API request action
In the action settings, set the HTTP method to “POST” and enter the API endpoint URL as Configure any necessary headers or authentication parameters as specified by the API documentation. Use the provided business email address as a parameter in the request body.

Step 7: Extract relevant data
After making the API request, you will receive a response containing the essential company information. Use Salesforce’s built-in tools or custom code to extract the relevant data from the API response, such as company name, industry, or location.

Step 8: Update CRM records
Once you have extracted the desired company information, use the available Salesforce actions or workflows to update the relevant CRM records with the enriched data. For example, you can update custom fields or standard fields with the extracted information.

Step 9: Test and activate the workflow
Test the workflow by triggering the initial event that activates the CRM Data Enrichment workflow. Verify that the API request is made, the company information is extracted, and the CRM records are updated correctly. Once you’re satisfied with the testing, activate the workflow to run it automatically on the specified trigger events.

That’s it! You have successfully set up a workflow in Salesforce CRM for CRM Data Enrichment, where the API is used to retrieve essential company information by providing a business email address. Salesforce CRM will automate the process of enriching CRM data with valuable company details, helping you maintain accurate and up-to-date records.