YouTube Video Information Fetcher API

Door Lauryn Prosacco | Bijgewerkt 2 months ago | Video, Images

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Fetch YouTube Video Information

POST /youtube/

This endpoint offers a comprehensive overview of metadata for a YouTube video. By supplying the YouTube video URL, users can gain access to data such as the videoโ€™s title, uploader, description, duration, available formats, thumbnails, view count, and much more.

Potential Use Cases:

  1. Video Downloaders: Extract direct download links for different resolutions and formats.
  2. Content Aggregation: Aggregate metadata for videos across multiple channels or based on certain search criteria.
  3. Analytics Tools: Gather view counts, likes, and dislikes for competitor analysis or tracking video performance.
  4. Recommendation Systems: Use tags, description, and other metadata to create or enhance video recommendation algorithms.
  5. Media Players: Enhance the viewing experience by providing rich video metadata, including thumbnails, for user interfaces.
  6. Educational Platforms: Extract video descriptions and other details to supplement course materials or lectures.

Request Payload:

  • url (required): The direct link to the YouTube video, typically in the format

Sample Request:

    "url": ""

Response Format:
Returns a JSON object containing detailed metadata:

  • title: The title of the video.
  • uploader: The channel or user that uploaded the video.
  • description: A summary of the videoโ€™s content.
  • duration: The duration of the video, given in seconds.
  • formats: An array detailing available formats, encompassing resolution, codec, etc.
  • thumbnail: A URL to the videoโ€™s thumbnail.
  • view_count: The number of times the video has been viewed.
  • like_count: The number of likes the video has garnered.
  • dislike_count: The count of dislikes for the video.
  • comments: A selection or total count of user comments.
  • tags: An array of tags linked to the video.

Sample Response:

    "title": "Example Video Title",
    "uploader": "Example Channel",
    "description": "This is a sample description.",
    "duration": 605,
    "formats": [...],
    "thumbnail": "",
    "view_count": 123456,
    "like_count": 7890,
    "dislike_count": 123,
    "comments": [...],
    "tags": ["sample", "video", "example"]

Error Codes:

  • 404 Not Found: Implies the given URL doesnโ€™t match a valid YouTube video or the video was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Signifies an unexpected error during request processing.
Volgers: 1
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Rapid account: Lauryn Prosacco
Lauryn Prosacco
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