E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain

Door Top-Rated | Bijgewerkt 17日前 | Commerce

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Possible values for API response NVPs

Rapid account: Phranzero

What are the possible values for the following NVPs in the API response?

  "valid": true|false,   boolean
  "block": true|false,  boolean
  "disposable": true|false,  boolean
  "domain": "{checked domain}",  string
  "text": ??????? what are the possible values?,   string
  "reason": ???????? what are the possible values?,   string
  "mx_host": "{mx host domain}",   string
  "mx_info": "{mx host domain info}", string
  "mx_ip": "{mx host ip address}", string

Apologies if this is already answered somewhere. I could not find in the documentation.

Rapid account: Phranzero
phranzero Commented 5年前

Thanks so much! Are there details about the two different Heuristics reason descriptions? Would be good to know if there are different confidences associated with “Heuristics (x2a)” and “Heuristics (1a)”. For example if we wanted to have differing actions based on the reason. E.g. if reason is “Blacklist” we flat out block the account. But if it’s one of the Heuristics reasons, maybe we temporarily allow with further review later.

Rapid account: Top Rated
Top-Rated Commented 5年前


The values in “text” and “reason” pairs depend on the result, and give more human-readable information, than the other values.

The “text” field will contain the result as a text, a few examples: “Disposable e-mail”, “Invalid domain”, “Domain is valid”.

And the “reason” field will contain the reason for the result, as human-readable information. A few examples: “Blacklist”, “Whitelist”, “Unable to resolve MX host: {mx host domain}”, “Heuristics (x2a)”, “Heuristics (1a)”.

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