Football Manager API

Door VaughnDev | Bijgewerkt hace un mes | Gaming

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I want to send a query called "Manchester United" to fetch players but it doesn't work

Rapid account: Jamesryu 108
hace 7 meses

I want to send a query called “Manchester United” to fetch players but it doesn’t work. I tried variations like “ManU”, “Manchester”, “Man Utd”, and etc, but I can’t fetch players of Manchester United. How can I do that?

Rapid account: Jamesryu 108
jamesryu108 Commented hace 7 meses

Okay sounds good. Thank you.

Rapid account: Vaughn Dev
VaughnDev Commented hace 7 meses

Hi! To get players of Manchester United, you need to look for “ManUfc”. The endpoints all work of the club’s “Short Name” attributes from Football Manager which is sometimes a bit confusing. You can look up the club’s short names in game if you can’t find a club or if all else fails, ask me! 😃

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