Image Colorize


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Access Token Expired

After some successful requests, the API is now responding with an error.

“Access toke expired”. What could be the issue here?

Rapid account: Bekamas 01 6 Ldjj O Mo M 5 A
bekamas01-6ldjjOMoM5A Commented 2年前

Hello, the problem has been fixed, if the problem feel free to contact us, thanks again for your feedback.

Rapid account: Bekamas 01 6 Ldjj O Mo M 5 A
bekamas01-6ldjjOMoM5A Commented 2年前

Hello, we have noticed the problem and have arranged for a developer to work on it, I will let you know when it is fixed. Thank you very much for your feedback.

Rapid account: Bekamas 01 6 Ldjj O Mo M 5 A
bekamas01-6ldjjOMoM5A Commented 2年前

Our tests have not found this problem, is it still occurring with you? If it reappears, please send me the return details, including code etc., so that we can investigate.

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