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Door Ajith Joseph | Bijgewerkt 9 дней назад | Entertainment

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Getting error always

Rapid account: Vishakhag 6
5 лет назад

Hi Team,

Getting error always.

{1 item
"error":“self signed certificate”

Or something else i.e. 500 or contact to support. I sent an e-mail also but did not get any response from you guys.

I am hitting the API like:

fetch(‘’, {
headers: {
“x-rapidapi-host”: “”,
“x-rapidapi-key”: “9cae63d32cmshfef2d85891dc0a7p1bdcaejsn8f0b893ef173”
}).then(data => data.json()).then(finalData => {
console.log(finalData, ‘FINALDATA’);

Please do let me know how to resolve it.


Rapid account: Ahhmetatar
ahhmetatar Commented 4 года назад

I’m sorry, but this is an API that gives a constant error. I’m throwing a request through ManyChat and it’s always failing. I think you should remove it from the internet 😃

Rapid account: Khalidsiddiqui 2105
khalidsiddiqui2105 Commented 5 лет назад

I just checked it again its not working getting the same error as mentioned above

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented 5 лет назад

Please try again. It works fine now.

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