Verify email address

Door Ajith Joseph | Bijgewerkt a month ago | Other

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Test Fail

Rapid account: Wferreira
10 years ago

I tested with two emails, one valid and another invalid. For both the API returns valid results.

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented 9 years ago

Hi gbagga,

I am really sorry to inform you that this API dose not support yahoo mail ids. Yahoo mx server dose not give proper response for our API call. Anyway I hope that we can make it available in the future,

Thank you.

Rapid account: Gbagga
gbagga Commented 9 years ago

Hi ajith
Great workโ€ฆ but when i tested
a yahoo address
which is an invalid address was shown as valid.
a email sent to failed but it was a valid address

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented 10 years ago

Hi wferreira, Sorry for the late response. This API doesnโ€™t work with few domains,I am hard working to make it live as soon as possible. So please give me time to update API. Thanks for your notification.

Rapid account: Ajith
ajith Commented 10 years ago

Hi wferreira,
Could you please provide me the domain name of the email id?

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