SEO Keyword Research

Door Getecz | Bijgewerkt 21日前 | Tools

9.8 / 10





Health Check


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Rapid account: Someguy 9

Server appears to be down for most queries

Rapid account: Wpthemeplugin
wpthemeplugin Commented 7ヶ月前

It’s actually still not working… 😦

Rapid account: Ajithjojo 1230
ajithjojo1230 Commented 9ヶ月前

Noted … we will fix the issue soon

Rapid account: Esdale Designs
EsdaleDesigns Commented 9ヶ月前

Just getting “Something Went Wrong” every time.

Rapid account: Someguy 9
someguy9 Commented 9ヶ月前

Thank you for working on this!

Rapid account: Ajithjojo 1230
ajithjojo1230 Commented 9ヶ月前

Now we are on a back up server , for testing purpose …
please let me know if you having any issues …
the loadtime might a ltl higher but tell me u are getting any errors

Rapid account: Ajithjojo 1230
ajithjojo1230 Commented 9ヶ月前

Hello guys .
this is an official notification from team

we tried to manage the server load in many ways … but most of the time it only stable for a few hours …

we are migrating the entrie code base to another server today. lets hope for the best

Rapid account: Someguy 9
someguy9 Commented 9ヶ月前

Same here, it’s amazing when it works though!

Rapid account: Eli F 4 Bb Hq 4 Dn
eli-F4bbHq4dn Commented 9ヶ月前

still happening 95% of the time.

Rapid account: Someguy 9
someguy9 Commented 9ヶ月前

Any updates? seems to be working sometimes

Rapid account: Someguy 9
someguy9 Commented 9ヶ月前

Would love to know when you have an update as well 😃

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