Ecommerce Backend

Door Amol Singh | Bijgewerkt 2 months ago | eCommerce
Health Check




These APIs are only intended to be used for development purposes. DO NOT use any of these APIs in production. DO NOT add any personal email or any other personal data in the requests. All the requests are supposed to be dummy


Ecommerce-Backend is set of APIs which can be used to create an Shopping Portal which minimalistic effort. Developers just need to create a frontend & integrate with the APIs

How To begin

In Ecommerce-Backend, we have a concept of Partner. A partner is the first thing which the developer has to create using /partner api. Once the partner is created you can start adding users & products to your portal using โ€œpartnerโ€ as a header.

API basics

Below sections discuss the conventions used in all the APIs like request, response & other details


After partner is created, all the APIs need to include a partner header in request which is a uuidv4. If the partner is incorrect or empty, an exception will be thrown in the response



The success response format will be something like this for add user /user api

  "data":  {
    "id":  6
  "message":  "User Created successfully",
  "errors":  null,
  "requestId":  "8d4a5a2a-2afe-4693-94f4-4b905cb66a48"
Field Description
data Contains the business ids, can be list of items or single Id
message optional Message from backend
errors optional Errors if any in the response
requestId CorrelationId which is for future use


Below is the sample error response

   "data": null,
   "message": "An exception occurred in the API",
   "errors": [
           "code": "invalid_partner",
           "message": "Partner is invalid"
   "requestId": "15cb59e7-c26f-490e-be3d-f64472f7dfed"
Field Description
data will be null in case of errors
message optional Message from backend
errors List of errors - contains code & message
requestId CorrelationId which is for future use
Volgers: 1
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Rapid account: Amol Singh
Amol Singh
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