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Add full player information in lineups player object

Rapid account: Fballdata
il y a 3 ans

Can you please add the player information to the lineups result in startXI and substitutes as information such as photo, nationality, height, weight, injured, birth are missing.

This should also apply wherever the player is returned instead of doing another API call to get the player information which btw it doesn’t exists we only can fetch the player stats per season which returns the full player object

Rapid account: Fballdata
fballdata Commented il y a 3 ans

the get-players endpoint doesn’t work for all players, it only works for player that have statistics in your database, for example check the following player id 81819 it won’t return any information in the get-players endpoint

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented il y a 3 ans


The endpoint “lineups” is not intended to return these data but only the data concerning the lineups of the match. As for the photos, it is a link with the player’s id, so it is easily possible to regenerate it as indicated in the documentation => “To get the photo of a player you have to call the following url: https://media.api-sports.io/football/players/{player_id}.png”.

The data concerning the players profile “weight, height etc…” are available in the endpoint “players” https://www.api-football.com/documentation-v3#operation/get-players with the statistics (by season, teams or competitions).


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