Door API-SPORTS | Bijgewerkt 19 दिन पहले | Sports

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Rapid account: Tindo
3 वर्ष पहले

Some suggestions as the API is in my opinion not complete:

  • Get all races of a season so that you have the complete schedule. Not possible at the moment as competition id is required.

  • Get all drivers of a season. You can not search on driver who are active in season 2021.

-Like to Driver object has an array with teams, the Team object should have an array with Driver per season.

  • Split complete name of driver in firstname and lastname, so that you sort or order on driver lastname in your own project.

I have got also some property ideas for the different objects but i think the points above are absolutely an added value to your API.

Rapid account: Tindo
tindo Commented 3 वर्ष पहले

No much support on this API?

Some remarks are maybe nice to have, but get all the races of a year to make a schedule is the minimum what you can expect right? Also to get all the drivers of a season.

Please also take care of questions besides the football-api.

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