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I am getting time out error at some files

Rapid account: Buyrukserhat
hace 3 meses

messages:"The request to the API has timed out. Please try again later, or if the issue persists, please contact the API provider"
info:“Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) —> API (took too long to respond)”

How can we solve it

Rapid account: Ta G Rus
TaGRus Commented hace 2 meses

It seems the main problem here - is the number of pages in the PDF document (as we identofied during the discussion by email some of your documents had more than 150 pages).

I believe the best option for your right know - to implement additional logic (on your side) for splitting many pages PDFs into several documents.

From our side at the moment there is no limitations related the maximum amount of pages, however it seems the processing of your PDF requires too much time and RapidAPI platform “can’t wait” so much time.

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