
Door Api Dojo | Bijgewerkt 13 days ago | Music

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Limit to 5000

Hi, im using the api for a website and just subscribed to the PRO-version. I'm a bit worried that someone will overuse the function though, and for what I understand there is no limit to the amount of calls that can be made, which could lead to me having to pay a alot bigger amount that Im comfortable with. 

Any ideas on what I can do? Is it possible to limit the max amount of calls somehow?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


You may wrap our endpoints in ones of yours, check the consumption on the servers and limit the usage, then call your endpoints instead. It is easy to implement with some Proxy library.


Rapid account: Alexandergustafssonflink
alexandergustafssonflink Commented 2 years ago

I get that I get a response header with info regarding the amount of free calls that is left. However, then the call has already been made. So if someone were to use my app to make a hell of alot of calls, this header wont help me - will it? Is there not anyway for me to block further calls once the limit has been reached?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 2 years ago


You are interested in the two following fields x-ratelimit-requests-limit, x-ratelimit-requests-remaining in every response header, they help to track your consumption in real time. The headers are also mentioned in the document at You should spend time and read their documentary.


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