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profile and other Image loading issue

Rapid account: Hay 707
2 years ago
Rapid account: Onsalegr U 8 Hivb 6 Ic H
onsalegr-U8Hivb6Ic-H Commented 2 years ago

from what i understand, you are talking about the cors error that appears on images. Could you help me on how to solve this problem? im using rest api to intergrate your api and as of now its the only thing that makes the api unusable to me. because i need to be able to open the image in my page and it gets blocked. An other question, is if its possible for you to provide the images in base64 format too.
Thank you in advance

Rapid account: Ariefsam
ariefsam Commented 2 years ago

Hi Hay707,

You can use browser, or add referer to header when get image.

you can read this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67279678/instagram-web-api-get-err-blocked-by-response

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