Easy Social Media Service

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Load more than 12 posts

Rapid account: Woutcault
il y a un an

Currently the API gets data from the 12 most recent posts.
Is there an example of pulling data for all posts?

Rapid account: Ariefsam
ariefsam Commented il y a un an

Hi woutcault,

Thank you for your suggestion, however, at this time we are primarily focusing on ensuring stability and keeping our features simple and user-friendly.

While we appreciate your interest in pulling data for all posts, we donโ€™t have immediate plans to implement this feature.

We will certainly keep your feedback in mind for any future developments, and we appreciate your understanding.

Thank You

Rapid account: Woutcault
woutcault Commented il y a un an

I can save posts manually but it will limit scalability. Is this something that you guys are working to implement?

Rapid account: Ariefsam
ariefsam Commented il y a un an

Hello woutcault,

Currently we canโ€™t pull all posts. You can save it manually ?

Thank You.

Rapid account: Woutcault
woutcault Commented il y a un an

seeing this was also a post made by @charlieboys - wondering if there have been any updates? He asked the same question about two years back

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