Axesso - FB Data Service

Door Axesso | Bijgewerkt 13 giorni fa | Data

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Rapid account: Admin Tq V SNOX
un anno fa

please check our payment,
because we already paid but canโ€™t enter the pro. thank you

Rapid account: Acewang 100
acewang100 Commented un anno fa

Thatโ€™s a sad story.

Rapid account: Admin Tq V SNOX
admin-TqV__SNOX Commented un anno fa


Rapid account: Axesso
axesso Commented un anno fa

Hi admin-TqV__SNOX,

we can see at least that you were subscribed until today to the PRO plan, since you now unsubscribed to the API we indeed currently see your user only subscribed to the Basic / Free plan.

Anyway this topic is Platform related, unfortunately you have to approach RapidAPI directly. From our side we can say that you were definitely subscribed to the PRO plan for a period of some days, but if this was not correctly reflected on your side, you need to contact the RapidAPI support.

Let us know in case of further questions.

Best Regards
Axesso Support

Rapid account: Admin Tq V SNOX
admin-TqV__SNOX Commented un anno fa

hi, i have paid for axesso facebook API for PRO plan, but it seemed the API still in basic plan, can you check the status of that api ? Thank you

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