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Door Edoardo Cantagallo | Bijgewerkt 23 giorni fa | Sports

9.7 / 10





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Error 500

Rapid account: Breisportela
7 mesi fa

The service was working wonderfully, reason why I have subscribed for bigger tier. However, after two days working well, the endpoint: started to give me an error 500. Please letโ€™s work on this one in order to connect my service that makes money out of some information given by this service. If you need to increase the tier cost in exchange of a higher availability, I am totally ok with it.

Rapid account: Sudityakumar 1
sudityakumar1 Commented 4 mesi fa


Iโ€™ve also created an API like one. But my API is 10x better and stable than this. I am providing the link of my API please check it and let me know.


Please let me know if it is possible to join your awesome team.

Rapid account: Breisportela
breisportela Commented 7 mesi fa

The same endpoint is not working again. Error 500.

Rapid account: Breisportela
breisportela Commented 7 mesi fa

The issue was already fixed. Thanks for being so quick on solving it. I have a service that relies on this API and it is great to count with a good support.

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