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Rapid account: Holtc 2635
vor 5 Monaten

“I got a friend request, we talked for a few hours and when I found out he was a fraud, I ignored all his messages. I honestly wouldn’t have suspected him if not for the exposure of a professional hacker whom I hired after realizing my Bitcoin wallet had been emptied. I sincerely don’t know how, or why these fraudsters operate and if they know the pain and trauma they cause in the lives of their victims. When I found my wallet had been emptied, I nearly had a cardiac arrest, I am a 58-year-old taxi driver and I need money now more than ever. I resolved to find ways to recover the stolen money and that’s when I found Cyber Genie Recovery Expert, These guys used their wild tech skills to help me trace and recover all that was stolen from me within a short period I hired them. I was really patient and understanding with them because, after a few sessions, I began to have my doubts, during these trial moments, Cyber Genie’s team was very persuasive and encouraging. I am glad my doubts and fears never won because the recovery was a success at last. All hopes lost were restored, stolen money recovered, and created a lifetime relationship with Cyber Genie’s team.
-Wha sApp (+)(1_(_2_5_2_5_1_2_0_3_9_1)

Rapid account: Mariarobb 112
mariarobb112 Commented vor 4 Monaten


Do you need help in; Reclaiming lost Crypto Wallets, retrieving Crypto lost to Scammers, reporting a Bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about it, You should hire a legitimate Expert in Crypto Recovery Wizard, A specialized Expert with cyber specialties to recover scammed funds from swindlers. After losing $374,000 to an Online bogus investment company, I had tried countless times looking for a way to recover my funds. Most of the recovery companies I tried out ended up dumping me more funds. I came to learn about CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD through my old time Colleague, I got in touch with the Expert, and after submitting my reports, The Expert was able to recover my funds.
Contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD via Contact Info;

Rapid account: Janinecollington
janinecollington Commented vor 5 Monaten

I have read a few articles about binary options trading and cryptocurrency because I have a good interest in investing in cryptocurrency because of what I’ve read about it. Though digital currency seems to be the future we also have to be extremely careful to avoid going through some rough faces, I saw the bitcoins prices and it was kind of ok for me financially so I went ahead and did more research on what Binary trading is all about, read some few books about investing so I could have a clear image of what’s all about. Finally, I invested in an online company in order to start up, my first deposit was around USD 300, and I got paid my investment together with the profits, seeing how it went I then invested more funds so I could be paid more. so after the usual timeframe that I was supposed to be paid, the funds were made available there in my wallet but I couldn’t withdraw to my account, I tried my best but still wasn’t successful. I then messaged the support and they kept to request for some fees after another before I could be able to withdraw, I paid to an extent before I realized that I was not dealing with the right people. I felt deeply disappointed as I had already committed $180k to this. I thought that I had lost it all but fortunately, when I shared this with a close friend who said she had been through a similar situation but got a hacker who helped her retrieve her funds, she gave me the contact info of the team; ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST and this was how I got my funds back through their great help and professional skills, I’m so grateful and I appreciate the work of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST as they are of a top-notch level. Don’t sit back and let those heartless scammers make away with your valuable crypto assets, I encourage you to seek the support of ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST to get back whatever they have stolen from you. ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST has your back when it comes to tracing and retrieving stolen crypto.

Email info :
website info : ‪

Rapid account: Rodmankristine
rodmankristine Commented vor 5 Monaten

In the land of doubts and fraud victims losing trust in humanity, Cyber Genie Hack Pro has emerged as a beacon and ray of light to those who have lost their money to various forms of fraudulent schemes. I was fortunate to have been linked to the Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team, I was able to recover what I thought was lost forever. A global solution to crypto recovery skepticism, Cyber Genie Recovery is the best option when it comes to getting your lost or sent Bitcoin back. Tons of their clients around the globe have come to trust their efficiency in analyzing client tasks, high professionalism in private investigation, and well-structured map for recovering or tracking stolen money and forgotten wallets. Their outstanding and remarkable accomplishments laid out there got my interest. Privacy and confidentiality when dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team are outstanding. You can trust that your sensitive data will remain confidential throughout the recovery process confidently knowing they won’t temper with any penny of yours after the recovery or after sharing with them all your data. When dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery experts, you should expect just one thing, SUCCESS!! Buzz them via the below reaches.
W.A.: +1 -2-5-2-512-0-3-91.
E.mail.: Cybergenie (@) Cyberservices (.) C0 M

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