Door Firdavs Shodiyev | Bijgewerkt il y a 2 mois | Video, Images

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Api not working

Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
il y a 7 mois


Rapid account: Wagstoroyalty
wagstoroyalty Commented il y a 3 mois

Is this going to get fixed?

Rapid account: Firdavscoder 1
firdavscoder1 Commented il y a 7 mois

hi, yes it is possible to refund. You can do this on RapidAPI, payment section or by reaching out with operators. sorry for the inconveniences

Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
webcontxtjpr Commented il y a 7 mois


Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
webcontxtjpr Commented il y a 7 mois

It’s still not working. How can we proceed without using an API? Is it possible to get a refund for this?

Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
webcontxtjpr Commented il y a 7 mois

Can you confirm when it is updated.

Rapid account: Firdavscoder 1
firdavscoder1 Commented il y a 7 mois

the api has been updating. Please, wait until update

Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
webcontxtjpr Commented il y a 7 mois


“error”: “Make sure all data is correct, ranging from image has face to not pro effect.”
or Some
500 internal error same api

Rapid account: Webcontxtjpr
webcontxtjpr Commented il y a 7 mois

Hi Photo lab api is not working
{“messages”:“The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider”,“info”:“Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) )”}

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