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Door Rory Veevers-Carter | Bijgewerkt hace 24 días | Transportation

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API more specific for Cargo?

Rapid account: Crawfordbarry
hace un año

Hello - I’m trying to integrate your API to our website that is used for Freight Forwarders to schedule/determine which airlines to book for cargo.

Do you have any FAQ’s / examples for this type of specific connections in the data?

I’m using the search with most of the options (code shared, interline, set to NO - that helps a bit.


Rapid account: Crawfordbarry
crawfordbarry Commented hace un año

Any solutions to get CARGO flights?

Rapid account: Crawfordbarry
crawfordbarry Commented hace un año

Getting close to this - starting to do the trial while coding the page. Still would like to understand how best to get all the cargo flights into/out of a specific airport.

Rapid account: Crawfordbarry
crawfordbarry Commented hace un año

I’m specifically trying to find a way to search/return all CARGO flights to/from a specific airport. That is the end goal.

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