Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data

Door FreshData | Bijgewerkt 11 days ago | Data

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Get Company by Domain

Rapid account: Mr Karl
14 days ago


Does anyone know why some companies can’t be found using their domain name? Even when it is visible on their LinkedIn page.

I tested the API endpoint, and it worked fine. But then I noticed that for some companies I got the response “The API was not able to find the domain on Linkedin”. All companies that I have tested, have a LinkedIn page and their website domain is added to their page.

Could it be connected with how the company has added its domain on its LinkedIn page?
And what would you recommend to do in this case, to increase the chance of getting the profile information?

Rapid account: Mr Karl
MrKarl Commented 14 days ago

Hi, we cover about 90% of the domains available on LinkedIn. Thus, sometime we are not able to find any company for a given domain. In this case you’re not being charged.

To find profiles in this situation, you can use the endpoint called Search LinkedIn Company Pages via Google.

Thank you!

Rapid account: Chinhquy 111
chinhquy111 Commented 14 days ago

Hi, we cover about 90% of the domains available on LinkedIn. Thus, sometime we are not able to find any company for a given domain. In this case you’re not being charged.

To find profiles in this situation, you can use the endpoint called Search LinkedIn Company Pages via Google.

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