Text Analysis

Door Bhavya Gaur | Bijgewerkt 한 달 전 | Text Analysis

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Supported Languages

Rapid account: Lekhrajk
vor 3 Jahren

What are the supported languages for article extraction .
does it support multiple languages or only english language

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented vor 3 Jahren

We have only tested the English language thoroughly.
We have tried other languages some work but we cannot give any reliability.
You may have to test them yourself, to check if they work for your use case.
By the way the English language that you are required to put in the query is simply there to make you acknowledge that we support English only,
it will not stop you from trying other languages.

If you have any more doubts, feel free to contact us anytime.
Thanks for trying out our API.

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