Text Analysis

Door Bhavya Gaur | Bijgewerkt il y a 8 jours | Text Analysis

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Any plans to not retrieve the page content from rapidapi?

Rapid account: Dreamreal F Qa Fytryf 0

From topic: the text analysis API does a retrieve of a URL and returns keywords, images, etc., based on a retrieve from the service. Are there any plans or capabilities such that the HTML can be uploaded, as with some of the other APIs? (Even theyโ€™re not complete, which is fine, I was just interested)

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented il y a 2 ans

I couldnโ€™t understand your question. You want to provide a HTML file with all the contents? and perform analysis on that?

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