Text Analysis

Door Bhavya Gaur | Bijgewerkt il y a 14 jours | Text Analysis

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summarize-text works in copy pasting in here in the website but not in Python API call

I am trying to summarize a short paragraph.

When I copy pasted the paragraph here in the website body โ€œtextโ€, the summarization was successful and the summaries were shown.

Check this:

But when I try it via the API call, it does not work and throws the incorrect data passed error.
I tried with the normal string text
as well as the encoded utf-8 text



Iโ€™ve been dying with this for 2 days, and I decided to open this request.
Please do help as soon as possible. Thank you!

P.S: Kudos for creating one great API ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented il y a 2 ans

We are glad that you solved your issue.

Rapid account: Projectiitg 2021 F Mjp Xa Lj X Jb
projectiitg2021-fMjpXaLjXJb Commented il y a 2 ans

url: https://gist.github.com/bhavyagaur99/81cea8a1c5e8e5bfc108bbab54312a01
This saved the day.
Found where we went wrong.

Totally forgot about hiding the API key
Changed the API key.

Thanks a ton for the quick support!

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented il y a 2 ans

Look at the sample code and let us know if it solved your issue.

url: https://gist.github.com/bhavyagaur99/81cea8a1c5e8e5bfc108bbab54312a01

Thanks for choosing us.

Rapid account: Gaurmanojkumar 530
gaurmanojkumar530 Commented il y a 2 ans


Thanks for using our API.
We have urgent request from you please change your API key, you have mistakenly listed it in the images.
API keys are private.

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