Ligue 1 Live Scores

Door Simone | Bijgewerkt 8 days ago | Sports
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Ligue 1 top scorers not updated

Rapid account: Gael 13
5 years ago

Hi Heisenbug,

I would like to use the following API:

However, I notice that it is not updated just after the matchs. For example, Neymar is still with 9 goals whereas he is with 10 goals since day 13th.

Is it possible to improve that API and add the right number of goals after the end of the day please ? I am also looking to use the topo scorers for the Premier League, Liga and Calcio.

Thank you

Best regards,

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 5 years ago

thanks for the feedback,
the system has missing to register the goals for Monaco - Paris Saint-Germain
now it should be all ok


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