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Counters API Usage Manual

Counters API, a versatile tool for counting and tracking various activities. This document will guide you through using the API effectively with detailed explanations for each endpoint.

Endpoint 1: Create Counter

  • Endpoint: GET /add/{counter_id}
  • Description: Create a new counter with a unique identifier. Each counter starts at zero by default.

To create a new counter, simply make a GET request to /add/{counter_id}, where {counter_id} is a unique identifier for your counter. Upon successful execution, a new counter will be created, starting at zero.

Example Request:

GET /add/my_counter

Endpoint 2: Increment Counter

  • Endpoint: GET /inc/{counter_id}
  • Description: Increment the value of a specific counter identified by {counter_id} by 1.

To increment the value of a counter, make a GET request to /inc/{counter_id}, where {counter_id} is the identifier of the counter you want to increment. Each request to this endpoint increases the counterโ€™s value by 1.

Example Request:

GET /inc/my_counter

Endpoint 3: Get Counter

  • Endpoint: GET /get/{counter_id}
  • Description: Retrieve the current value of a specific counter identified by {counter_id}.

To retrieve the current value of a counter, make a GET request to /get/{counter_id}, where {counter_id} is the identifier of the counter. This will return the current value of the specified counter.

Example Request:

GET /get/my_counter

Endpoint 4: Clear Counter

  • Endpoint: GET /reset/{counter_id}
  • Description: Clear a specific counter identified by {counter_id}, resetting its value to zero.

To reset a specific counter to zero, make a GET request to /reset/{counter_id}, where {counter_id} is the identifier of the counter you want to clear. This action will set the counterโ€™s value back to zero.

Example Request:

GET /reset/my_counter

Endpoint 5: List All Counters and Their Values

  • Endpoint: GET /getall
  • Description: Get a list of all counters and their current values, providing an overview of the entire counter collection.

To retrieve a list of all counters and their current values, make a GET request to /getall. This will provide an overview of all the counters in the collection, including their respective current values.

Example Request:

GET /getall

Endpoint 6: Clear All Counters

  • Endpoint: GET /delall
  • Description: Delete all counters, effectively clearing the entire collection of counters. This action is irreversible and removes all stored data.

To clear all counters and remove all stored data, make a GET request to /delall. Please note that this action is irreversible and will permanently delete all counters in the collection.

Example Request:

GET /delall

Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that you use unique identifiers for each counter to avoid conflicts.
  • Regularly check and back up your counter data to prevent accidental data loss when clearing all counters.
  • Keep track of the counters and their values using the โ€œList All Counters and Their Valuesโ€ endpoint.

Enjoy using the Counters API by inUtil Labs for all your counting and tracking needs!