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Regarding storing response from API into our local database

Rapid account: Abhilashyella 7 5 Hal 8 L Prs
2 वर्ष पहले

Hi Team,

Question 1:
Can we store the response from the API ( Like Exercise name , GIF image URL, Target muscle ) into our local database ?

Question 2:
If we choose mega plan which is $30/Month and if we exceed the limit of 120 requests per minute, how much we will be charged after exceeding the limit of 120 requests per minute?

Question 3:
Can we call array of exercises in a single API get request, is there any limitation for getting array of exercise id in a single API request?

Question 4:
How do i keep track of my API requests per minute or API requests per month?

Many thanks,

Rapid account: Lasko 050993
lasko050993 Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Same here. Is it allowed to store the data locally or even download the Gifs to the mobile device?

Rapid account: Kiprotichdominic
kiprotichdominic Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hey, what are using the API for i had a similar idea too

Rapid account: Johannesskagius
johannesskagius Commented 2 वर्ष पहले


Did any of the you get an answer?
I need to know this as well.

Best regards

Rapid account: Kaustav Dharmah
KaustavDharmah Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hi me too need answer to this.

Can we store the data in our local database and can we use that to build some app or website.
Or is this data copyrighted or has some similar restriction?

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