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Hiding API KEY in .env

Rapid account: Wlcole 1970
2 года назад

I kept getting the message ‘You are not subscribed to this API.’

This doesn’t happen if it place the API Key into my fetchData.js file but if i want it to be secure and place it in the .env file, i get this message.

Any help is appreciated.


Rapid account: Genarene 96
genarene96 Commented 2 года назад

I moved my .env file to the root of my project and it worked…Thanks

Rapid account: Cristiangualteros 23
cristiangualteros23 Commented 2 года назад

you must activate the free subscription, that’s sufficient.
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Rapid account: Creativehippodesigns
creativehippodesigns Commented 2 года назад

This seems like a common error when you have you .env file stored in src instead of root of your project. Try moving it and then restarting your server. That should work.

Rapid account: Revis 1 On
Revis1on Commented 2 года назад

I’m having the same problem

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