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Batch fetch episodes for multiple ids returning an empty array {episodes: []}

Rapid account: Theowu
5 years ago

Any idea why this might be happening?

Rapid account: Theowu
theowu Commented 5 years ago

Ah thank you! Got it to work. The trick was form data.

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented 5 years ago

Notes: the ids parameter is form data. You can copy the js code snippet from here and test if it works on your side.

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented 5 years ago

I just ran with the same episode ids. It worked. Could you test without using javascript? as I said in my previous reply: use CURL to test. This can give you some insight whether it’s the problem on the API side or it’s the problem on the programming language side.

Rapid account: Theowu
theowu Commented 5 years ago

Here’s the JS request I made:

  const episodesRequest = new Request(
    ``, {
      headers: new Headers({
        "X-Mashape-Key": "XYZ",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Accept" : "application/json"
      method: 'POST',
      params: JSON.stringify({ids: 'c577d55b2b2b483c969fae3ceb58e362,0f34a9099579490993eec9e8c8cebb82,b37f33c1ba184f97a479ea794161c221'})
Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented 5 years ago

What ids did you try? Can you paste those ids here?

It would be helpful to troubleshoot by just using curl on your side.

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