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ListenNotes giving me a 504 gateway timeout

Rapid account: Premo Cast
il y a 5 ans

The error is intermittent, only working sometimes. Looks like it’s a proxy server on mashape’s side - can you please advise?

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented il y a 5 ans

It took a bit longer for this outage to be resolved (> 1 day)…

I just made a subdomain to redirect to anything

So, instead of calling, you can use

In the future, if there’s outage on Mashape/RapidAPI’s end, I can quickly switch to point to other API gateway (or remove the API gateway during Mashape/RapidAPI outage).

Let me know if this thing works for you.

Rapid account: Premo Cast
PremoCast Commented il y a 5 ans

ok great, working for me too! Thx

Rapid account: Shaandsingh
shaandsingh Commented il y a 5 ans

Can confirm, seems to be up and running again!

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented il y a 5 ans

Update: RapidAPI folks just fixed the issue.

They will tell me the root cause later. And I’ll update here.

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented il y a 5 ans

Update: I’m able to chat with Rapidapi via Facebook Messenger! We are troubleshooting now.

Rapid account: Shaandsingh
shaandsingh Commented il y a 5 ans

It’s unfortunate, but thanks for being on top of it.

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented il y a 5 ans

Typically they reply support ticket very quickly. But this time, it's unusually slow.

I doubt that it's due to their recent website revamp: This involves tons of changes, including api proxy server.

"The new marketplace comes with a host of technical enhancements and supporting services, each of which truly deserves its own blog. The highlights are a GraphQL API gateway to query the RapidAPI data graph, a brand new API proxy engine, a new analytics pipeline, a system that builds in localization. The combined effect is a platform that is faster, even more, reliable when handling billions of API calls and further scalable, and the ability to release new functionality and features faster."

Rapid account: Listennotes
listennotes Commented il y a 5 ans

Very frustrated on my end 😦 Can't reach RapidAPI support.

Rapid account: Premo Cast
PremoCast Commented il y a 5 ans

Bummer… still seems to be down

Rapid account: Shaandsingh
shaandsingh Commented il y a 5 ans

Sometimes, I’ll get a “SUCCESS: 0 bytes” response from the API after ten seconds of waiting. Thought maybe my setup was wrong, but seems like this is part of the 504 issue.

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