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Is not Working

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
hace 3 años
Messagge response 502: 

ERROR":{1 item

“message”:“src property must be a valid json object”

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented hace 3 años

You should not share your KEY! Delete your message ASAP! Everything is working fine from my side

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años


   I dont understand.   My api is not working
	 not still be a RapidAPI problem?
Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented hace 3 años

You should not share your KEY! Delete your message ASAP! Everything is working fine from my side

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años

My CODE… Can you try in Postman too? Please? … Thanks !!:

fetch(“”, {
“method”: “GET”,
“headers”: {
“x-rapidapi-key”: “cbb302deccmsh69f9792bef12280p17c8a1jsn5d4e9d17ba41”,
“x-rapidapi-host”: “
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented hace 3 años

I have no idea what are you testing, but i don’t see any logs with the error code that you are providing on your account

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años

by the way , i tested in Postman

502 Bad Gateway

“messages”: “The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider”,
“info”: “Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) —> API (not working)”

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años

I am using in this moment the TEST POINT into the rapidapi APP

is not Working…

Rapid account: Logicbuilder
logicbuilder Commented hace 3 años

Can’t confirm that response i can’t see 502 error response in Logs! What request query params are you sending?

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años

Again is not Working !!!..

Messagge response 502:

ERROR":{1 item
“message”:“src property must be a valid json object”

Rapid account: Fernando Rk L Ay HG V
fernando-RkLAyHG-v Commented hace 3 años

Thanks !!.

I waiting for your prompt news!!

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