Social Media Data TT

Door logicbuilder | Bijgewerkt 15 days ago | Social

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Health Check


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Subject: Bug Report - Missing User Info in Hashtag Metadata Endpoints

I discovered a critical bug in your API’s hashtag_metadata V1 and V2 endpoints. User information, including follower count, following count, and statuses, is not available. This hinders data accuracy and functionality. Please investigate and address this issue promptly to enhance API usability and value for developers and users. I’m available to provide further details if needed. Thank you for your attention and swift resolution.

Rapid account: Sebastian E Int 71 G 0 Q
sebastian-eInt71g0Q Commented a year ago

Hi Any news about this problem?

Rapid account: Sebastian E Int 71 G 0 Q
sebastian-eInt71g0Q Commented a year ago

Please you can check it urgently, the API becomes useless for us without that information. Thanks

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