Metrx Factory

Door MetrxPulse | Bijgewerkt 18 hours ago | Sports

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Index profitable?

Rapid account: Vzanussi
a month ago

i used your team index and its informative but how can i find profitable teams?

Rapid account: Metrx 21 Dev
metrx21dev Commented a month ago

Dear vzanussi,

you can significantly increase your chance of success if you get more familiar with the range of team metrics ready to analyze and consider some hints:

(1) compare markets to algorithm based odds (look at the Match Metrics endpoints), follow market moves and review plausability of crucial deviations. This approach can reveal teams mispriced by the public, however, you should be aware of market principles in particular factors driving the football market.
(2) look out for outperformers doing clearly better than their long-term trend suggests (use the Performance Index endpoints). Utilize the natural law of trend reversal and keep in mind no team will always win nor lose.

The metrx21 team

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