LinkedIn data scraper

Door EZ | Bijgewerkt 2 days ago | Data

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Inside Sales Navigator folder you will find POST endpoint Search Leads. It is the main endpoint to get leads. All other endpoints starting with keyword Filter can be used to get values of filters to be passed to the main endpoint. Here is how You can pass body to Search Leads endpoint in right way.


  1. page (required, Number) : Page is a mandatory attribute. It should be a number between 1 and 100. You will get 25 people data i response of each page.
  2. keywords (optional, String) : Keywords is actually the query you can put in search bar of Linkedin Sales Navigator.
  3. Filters (optional, Array) : Filters should be an array of filters you want to select as per Linkedin Sales Navigator.

NOTE : If keywords and Filters both are missing in body, you will not get results. You need to at least pass either of them to get results. You can also pass both of them at the same time.


You need to add an object in following schema to get accurate results, otherwise you will get 400 result:
“filters”: [
“type” : “CURRENT_COMPANY” //type of filter, you can see all types below,
“values” : [
{“id” : “urn:li:organization:1586”, “text” : “Amazon”, “selectionType” : “INCLUDED”},
{“id” : “urn:li:organization:1441”, “text” : “Google”, “selectionType” : “EXCLUDED”}
“values” : [
{“id” : “A”, “text” : “Self-employed”, “selectionType” : “INCLUDED”}

As you can see I have passed two filters CURRENT_COMPANY and COMPANY_HEADCOUNT. For each filter you can get Id and Text using Filter ( Get ) endpoint associated with that specific filter type. Here is the list of supported filters.

  1. CURRENT_COMPANY : You can get a list of suggested companies, their id and text value using Filter Company Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  2. COMPANY_HEADCOUNT : You can get a list of company headcount, their id and text value using Filter Company Headcount ( Get ) endpoint.
  3. PAST_COMPANY : You can get a list of suggested companies, their id and text value using Filter Company Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  4. COMPANY_TYPE : You can get a list of company types, their id and text value using Filter Company Type ( Get ) endpoint.
  5. FUNCTION : You can get a list of suggested functions, their id and text value using Filter Function Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  6. CURRENT_TITLE : You can get a list of suggested job titles, their id and text value using Filter Job Title Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  7. SENIORITY_LEVEL : You can get a list seniority levels, their id and text value using Filter Seniority Level ( Get ) endpoint.
  8. PAST_TITLE : You can get a list of suggested Job Titles, their id and text value using Filter Job Title Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  9. REGION : You can get a list of suggested regions, their id and text value using Filter Geography Location Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  10. INDUSTRY : You can get a list of suggested industries, their id and text value using Filter Industry Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  11. PROFILE_LANGUAGE : You can get a list of languages, their id and text value using Filter Language ( Get ) endpoint.
  12. SCHOOL : You can get a list of schools, their id and text value using Filter School Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  13. YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE : You can get a list of years, their id and text value using Filter Years In ( Get ) endpoint.
  14. FIRST_NAME : for type FIRST_NAME filter should be like this : { “text” : “${firstname}”, “selectionType” : “INCLUDED” }
  15. LAST_NAME : for type FIRST_NAME filter should be like this : { “text” : “${lastname}”, “selectionType” : “INCLUDED” }
  16. COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS : You can get a list of suggested locations, their id and text value using Filter Location Suggestions ( Get ) endpoint.
  17. RECENTLY_CHANGED_JOBS: {id:RPC,text:Changed jobs }
  18. POSTED_ON_LINKEDIN : {id:RPOL,text:Posted on LinkedIn}
  19. IN_THE_NEWS : {id:MITN}